Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs Online

As a freelance writer, one of the more difficult aspects of the profession is finding writing jobs that suit your needs, talents and experience. If you’re a new or inexperienced writer, this process can be overwhelming at first simply because there are relatively few "how to get started as a writer" guides that are straight-forward in nature and give you step-by-step details on how to go about writing on the internet. However, it’s really not that difficult to find freelance writing jobs online [], and I’m going to outline a super-easy way that you can use to find writing jobs using the internet right now.

Finding freelance writing jobs using search engines

Unbeknownst to some, one of the easiest ways to find writing jobs online is by using search engines. Collectively, search engines index billions upon billions of web pages and there are plenty of writing jobs that can be found through this one simple method.

While there are a large number of search engines on the internet today, I recommend that you use for this freelance writing job search. Google has the largest database of websites on the planet, or close to it, and website owners primarily optimize their websites for Google - which helps you to find the information you need using this search engine. But, enough with the Google praise - let’s get started.

Search terms to help you find writing jobs

Before we get into which words you can use to find freelance writing jobs, we want to define a couple of terms for you in case you’re not familiar with them:

Search terms, keywords, keyword phrase and keyphrase represent the words that you put into the search field in a search engine. These terms can actually have slightly different meanings in different situations, but for this tutorial of sorts just know that when I use the above terminology, I’m referring to the words that you place into the search engine text box.

In any case - here are some search terms that you can try:

  1. Freelance writing job(s)

  2. Freelance writing opportunity

  3. Freelance writing opportunities

  4. Freelance writer job(s)

  5. Freelance writer(s) wanted

  6. Freelance writer(s) needed

  7. Write for us

  8. Write for me

To use these terms effectively, simply input any one of the above keyphrases into Google and hit your enter button or the “Google Search” button. You can look through the results and click on whatever listing interests you. Please do not include the parenthesis in your search, these are meant to imply secondary terms: jobs vs. job, etc.

Narrowing your search for freelance writing jobs

Truth be told, you’ll probably receive a large number of results using the search terms above - and in all honesty, there is a way to narrow down the number of listings you need to sort through by restricting your search to include only the words found in a web page’s title.

To do this, enter the following into Google’s search field:

allintitle:keyword phrase

You just need to replace “keyword phrase” with the keyword phrase that you intend to use for your search.

Finding writing jobs online - as easy as hitting a button

Finding freelance writing jobs online is actually pretty easy, once you get the hang of it. Because the need for website content is growing every day, the need for competent freelance writers is growing by the day as well. While there are many other ways that you could use to go about finding internet writing jobs, this method is fast, effective and best of all - it’s 100% free.

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