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How to Solve 'Client Error: 0x80040600' in Microsoft Outlook?

You must have encountered several situations while working with MS Outlook, when it quits abruptly or behaves peculiarly. It can happen while launching or accessing the application, when it becomes quite a hassle to view e-mail messages and other information. In the worst scenario, this can occur because of corruption in Outlook data file – PST.

To Repair PST data, it is necessary that you use an effective solution. But before we discuss it, take a look at one of the common error messages:

"Client Error: 0x80040600"

Most of the users complain that they receive this error message while trying to apply few policies that put the PST file in update or replace mode in Outlook.

Fixing the Issue

To repair your corrupted PST, you need to run Inbox Repair Tool (Scanpst.exe). In order to locate the file, follow the steps outlined in any of the below methods:

Method 1:

Navigate to this path using Windows Explorer:

%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\LocaleID (which is 1033 for the USA or similar)

Method 2:

1. Click Start > Search > Files or Folders

2. Type scanpst.exe and click Search Now

After you locate the file, open it and click Browse to select your current PST file. Click Start to initiate the recovery process. The tool starts scanning the file for errors and generates a scan report. Click Repair to repair the file. Outlook doesn't affect the original PST, but instead creates a Recovered version of the file. To start using this version, you need to set up this version as your default PST.

More Information

If Outlook has not been able to Recover PST file, you need a third-party product. A PST Recovery software is programmed to scan a corrupted PST using the most effective algorithms. Using PST Repairproducts is easy as they are equipped with interactive user interface. Also, they do not harm the original integrity of the file.

Applies to
  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2002
  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2000

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