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Ideas for Scattering Ashes

    Personal Property

    • Often, a person becomes deeply attached to the property that she owns during a lifetime. This may be a dream home that she built from the ground up, or possibly a lakefront property at which she enjoyed spending her weekends. Either way, people often prefer their ashes to be scattered across their private property. They feel it is an appropriate tribute to the time, energy and love they put into their home.

    Recreational Space

    • Another place where ashes are often scattered is recreational spaces that a person may have loved during his lifetime. These spaces include hunting grounds and hiking trails. They also might include a mountain, a nearby lake or ocean or possibly even a golf course. Scattering ashes across a favorite open space is a tribute to who the departed was as a person, and it allows him to become a part of his favorite area.

    Over Water

    • One of the most popular places to scatter ashes is over a body of water. This is a moving tribute, and it allows a person to become one with where all life began. The deceased may have requested to have her ashes scattered over a small, local lake, but it is also possible to scatter ashes over the oceans as well. This tribute allows the ashes to be scattered far and wide, creating a poignant tribute to a person.

    In the Air

    • For a more unique take on scattering ashes, consider dispersing his ashes into the air. This can be done via hot air balloon, depending on the time of the year and the weather. This moving tribute would be appropriate for someone who loved adventure and open air. Consider taking the balloon high above his favorite area and allowing his ashes to rest where the wind takes them.

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