Estrogen Infertility
When it comes to infertility, estrogen levels have a really important role. There are scores of hormones that play a part in the correct operation of the reproductive system, and each one is vital to the entire system. Rather like how testosterone is the hormone we associate with guys, estrogen is the hormone mainly associated with women If you don't have enough estrogen you may suffer from vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes and headaches. Low quantities of estrogen can also cause infertility in several ways:
Estrogen deficiency can be caused by a couple of factors:
Treatment options:
Estrogen and progesterone levels must be balanced, high levels of estrogen can also be an issue. Eating disorders, obesity, anxiety or excessive consumption of estrogen mimicking chemicals through medication or the environment can bring about elevated estrogen levels. High levels of estrogen will cause the following warning signs:
But these warning signs could also point to low estrogen levels, so it's imperative to get yourself seen to if you're worried. If you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or endometriosis high levels of estrogen may make them worse. What's more, it reduces your libido so you are less likely to want to have sex anyway.
When it comes to managing infertility, correct estrogen levels are crucial. A deficiency or a surplus of estrogen can cause issues. Abnormal levels of estrogen may be relieved with medication so it shouldn't be a massive hurdle in your quest to have a baby.
- Estrogen tells the uterus to manufacture a lining to receive the zygote so even if every other process has gone right until that time, if the thickness of the lining is not optimal the zygote won't embed itself in the uterus wall.
- The sperm will find it near impossible to get to the egg if estrogen doesn't stimulate the mucus produced at the cervix to become thinner.
- If your estrogen concentrations are very depleted you may not ovulate (release eggs at all) - never mind having difficulties with implantation!
Estrogen deficiency can be caused by a couple of factors:
- LH (Luteinizing Hormone) manages the making of estrogen - too little LH results in not enough estrogen.
- If you are underweight, or if you have an eating disorder (like bulimia or anorexia) or if you exercise excessively then the pituitary gland doesn't work efficiently and the messages that stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen get mixed up.
- If you don't have eggs then your body won't make estrogen.
Treatment options:
- If brought about by low estrogen levels, infertility can be treated by taking medication that contains estrogen to make you release eggs. Apparently, some foodstuffs, such as tofu, can benefit you as well.
Estrogen and progesterone levels must be balanced, high levels of estrogen can also be an issue. Eating disorders, obesity, anxiety or excessive consumption of estrogen mimicking chemicals through medication or the environment can bring about elevated estrogen levels. High levels of estrogen will cause the following warning signs:
- Heart palpitations
- Weight gain
- Feelings of melancholy
- Irregular menstruation
- Swelling
- Cyclical headaches
- Anxiety
- Digestive problems
But these warning signs could also point to low estrogen levels, so it's imperative to get yourself seen to if you're worried. If you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or endometriosis high levels of estrogen may make them worse. What's more, it reduces your libido so you are less likely to want to have sex anyway.
When it comes to managing infertility, correct estrogen levels are crucial. A deficiency or a surplus of estrogen can cause issues. Abnormal levels of estrogen may be relieved with medication so it shouldn't be a massive hurdle in your quest to have a baby.