Herbal Adhd Remedy - Is This Really Going To Help My Adhd Child?
Can a herbal ADHD remedy really calm my hyperactive kid and help him to focus? The answer is a definite yes but first I want to tell you a few facts about ADHD. The first is that the psychostimulants are, as their name suggests, just that. They stimulate the brain but also the heart. That could be problematical for a child with a heart condition or even some minor cardiac problem.
Millions of kids are on a Class II drug
The second thing to consider before looking at a herbal ADHD remedy is that in the US, there is a very different mindset as regards drugs compared to our European neighbors. Research has shown that an American doctor is three times more likely to prescribe a psychostimulant than his European counterpart.
The alarming part of all this is that millions of children are on Class II drugs which are regarded as substances liable to be abused and therefore risky. They are also popular among drug users. The idea that my kid might be approached to sell his ADHD medicines on the school parking lot just turns me off completely.
Herbs are fine but take a few precautions
A herbal ADHD remedy has none of these problems attached to it at all. There are however a few things to note and to be careful about, as with everything in life. First we need to make sure that any herbal preparation is not just rubbish and is full of toxins and we have no idea where the original herb has been sourced from.
We need to be sure that proper GMP practices are being followed. As the FDA has no control over the supplements market and the purity of the ingredients used, it makes sense to buy any herbal remedies for ADHD or homeopathic remedy from a company which actually is registered with the FDA. This means that standards are adhered to and there are safety guidelines which are applied.
Which herbs?
Herbal remedies for ADHD contain Ginkgo Biloba, St.. John's Wort, chamomile and Valerian. They have been shown to have been beneficial in helping hyperactive children to be calmer and inattentive kids to focus on tasks, such as homework or daily chores.
Herbs or homeopathy?
Some people are puzzled by this distinction. What is the difference? Herbs tend to use plant sources only and are aimed at relieving the symptoms. Homeopathy concentrates on healing the whole body and will use extremely diluted quantities of a substance which can come from a mineral or botanical origin.
Talking of homeopathic remedies for ADHD, I have just discovered a company which employs trained homeopaths in its FDA registered facility. It has developed a product specifically for ADHD children which reduces restlessness and helps them to concentrate.
Why not find out more about this best selling product which has helped millions of children to grow up as happy well adjusted adults? A herbal ADHD remedy or a homeopathic one is completely free of side effects and you need never worry about your child's health.
Millions of kids are on a Class II drug
The second thing to consider before looking at a herbal ADHD remedy is that in the US, there is a very different mindset as regards drugs compared to our European neighbors. Research has shown that an American doctor is three times more likely to prescribe a psychostimulant than his European counterpart.
The alarming part of all this is that millions of children are on Class II drugs which are regarded as substances liable to be abused and therefore risky. They are also popular among drug users. The idea that my kid might be approached to sell his ADHD medicines on the school parking lot just turns me off completely.
Herbs are fine but take a few precautions
A herbal ADHD remedy has none of these problems attached to it at all. There are however a few things to note and to be careful about, as with everything in life. First we need to make sure that any herbal preparation is not just rubbish and is full of toxins and we have no idea where the original herb has been sourced from.
We need to be sure that proper GMP practices are being followed. As the FDA has no control over the supplements market and the purity of the ingredients used, it makes sense to buy any herbal remedies for ADHD or homeopathic remedy from a company which actually is registered with the FDA. This means that standards are adhered to and there are safety guidelines which are applied.
Which herbs?
Herbal remedies for ADHD contain Ginkgo Biloba, St.. John's Wort, chamomile and Valerian. They have been shown to have been beneficial in helping hyperactive children to be calmer and inattentive kids to focus on tasks, such as homework or daily chores.
Herbs or homeopathy?
Some people are puzzled by this distinction. What is the difference? Herbs tend to use plant sources only and are aimed at relieving the symptoms. Homeopathy concentrates on healing the whole body and will use extremely diluted quantities of a substance which can come from a mineral or botanical origin.
Talking of homeopathic remedies for ADHD, I have just discovered a company which employs trained homeopaths in its FDA registered facility. It has developed a product specifically for ADHD children which reduces restlessness and helps them to concentrate.
Why not find out more about this best selling product which has helped millions of children to grow up as happy well adjusted adults? A herbal ADHD remedy or a homeopathic one is completely free of side effects and you need never worry about your child's health.