Health & Medical Yoga

Yoga and Health

There's really nothing very new about yoga; it's about five thousand years old or more! Still, it seems to be gaining popularity in the western world, particularly amongst the health buffs and gym goers. It's somehow viewed as just another weight loss method, seeing as how it's mostly gyms that offer yoga classes.

In reality, yoga is much more than just exercise. It is a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual empowerment – definitely not just another fad method to keep you in shape. Usually, Western yoga practitioners simply focus on the poses. These poses are part of yoga, true, but they're not all there is to it. In fact, yoga offers the trifecta of physical improvement, relaxation, and spiritual rejuvenation.

There are quite a lot of benefits to gain from practicing yoga, especially if one finds a true teacher who will include not just the physical poses, but also the meditative and reflective portions of yoga. Here are a few health benefits you can gain from practicing yoga regularly.

Physical improvement

Obviously, the physical effects of yoga cannot be discounted. The physical poses can range from uncomfortable to seriously difficult, and so it definitely increases the body's flexibility. What is good about flexibility? Well being flexible means that your body is able to handle sudden movements very well, and that you are less likely to injure yourself, even in old age.

Also, the poses and the stretching in yoga loosen up your muscles and release the tension that you feel. The muscle strain you get from stress will disappear. The best part about this is that you'll soon find yourself enjoying the improved litheness and strength of your body. Of course, regular practice of yoga also helps you keep your body tight and slim.


Yoga is all about relaxation. This is why some places even offer yoga retreats, wherein practitioners can enjoy their yoga routine in a scenic location. Yoga retreats allow you to maximize the best part of yoga: the relaxation. This is because yoga requires you to meditate at the same time. There are breathing techniques involved in yoga, and these techniques are supposed to regulate your mental and physical cores while you stretch.

Meditation is a crucial part of yoga; in fact, yoga was initially practiced by ascetics in India. This is a very good way for you to let go of all your stress and just relax. Keep calm and focus. Yoga retreats can be a great way to fully let go of whatever is keeping you stressed and unhappy.

Mental clarity

Now you may wonder: just what has yoga have to do with mental alertness? It's because we are often mired in a lot of problems and worries that our minds cannot concentrate and use its full potential. For example, how are you supposed to figure out the solution to a problem if you're worried about five other things at the same time?

Worries clutter the brain. This leads to work inefficiency, increased stress, and poor work performance. Basically, yoga allows you to de-clutter regularly. The breathing exercises and the meditative part of yoga give you the opportunity to relax and recalibrate, so to speak.

These are – in a nutshell – the health and life benefits of yoga.

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