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Paranormal News and Views for January 7, 2014

Up-to-the-minute reports of paranormal activity and news from around the world


Czech skeptics offer reward for proof of paranormal phenomena
The Czech skeptic club Sisyphus has offered a reward of 10,000 Kc to anyone who would prove the existence of paranormal phenomena in an experiment, and it would recommend the successful applicants, if some appeared, for a worldwide $1 million prize...

Is Afflecks Palace haunted? Shop owners claim poltergeists, time warps and ghostly guests haunt emporium
Legendary Manchester shopping emporium Afflecks has welcomed many famous shoppers over the years, but its patronage doesn’t just end with purveyors of eclectic curiosities; it seems that it also enjoys visitors…. from the other side...

Woman seeks relief from paranormal activity in home
Jodi Hill recently shared her story of being harassed, frightened and attacked by an unknown tormentor allegedly not of this world on Travel Channel's The Dead Files. But, although the film crew left in July, the paranormal activity hasn't stopped...

Ghost hunting at The Shining Hotel (aka, The Stanley)


Searching for the science behind reincarnation
We're going to spend the next few minutes talking about a controversial theory about living and dying and living again: reincarnation. It's long been a central tenet of certain spiritual traditions but it's not an experience that's been rigorously tested by many scientists...

Trying to contact the dead creates false hope
There are two basic reasons why every major religious tradition does not believe in consulting people who say they can speak to the dead. First, most mediums are fakes, and secondly, trying to contact the dead is a bad spiritual idea...

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