How to Vote with an Electronic Machine
Things You'll Need
1Upon entering the polling place, you will notice signs that give simple instructions such as turning off cell phones, not campaigning and having your ID ready. Obeying signs will help you to get though the line quickly and efficiently.
Generally, the people at the first table will help you fill out your voter's certificate, which will ask for your name, address and party your are voting for. They will also have a place for verifying your identification.
After they have made sure your voting certificate is complete, they will pass you on to the next table where your ID will be checked according to your state laws.
At the next station, clerks will check computers to make sure you are at the correct voting station. This step in the process also ensures that each registered person gets only one vote and that they vote in their own district. At this point, the DRE card is coded and given to the voter to use in the electronic voting machine.
The voter is to proceed to the next available voting machine where they put the encoded card into the machine, pushing it until it clicks. At this point, the ballot will show on the screen and the voter chooses their candidates by touching the screen in the box of their selected candidates.
The machine will ask if the voter is finished. Your ballot is not cast until you press the “finished” box on the screen. The card will then pop out of the machine, and the voter needs to take it and hand it back to the poll worker and receive their ‘voted’ sticker.
After all votes are cast, the poll workers will transmit the votes electronically to the main district office. They will also run a paper tally of the votes cast which will also be turned in. A copy of the cast votes will be taped to the front door of the voting place for the public to see.