How to Construct Pinatas
- 1). Put a handful of flour into a wide, shallow bowl. Add water a little at a time, stirring constantly. When it becomes a watery paste, about the consistency of syrup, stop adding water. You will need roughly two parts flour to three parts water.
- 2). Blow up a large balloon and tie off the neck. Cut a length of string about 1 1/2 to 2 yards long. Tie the two ends together in a knot. Place the balloon inside the string loop and tape it in place. The string loop should be long enough that there is quite a bit extra hanging from the balloon. This is what you will use to hang the pinata once it is complete.
- 3). Cut your newspaper into 1- to 2-inch wide strips. Lay a few strips into the flour paste and get them soaking wet. Lay them, one at a time, across the balloon. Repeat with more strips until you have covered the balloon; make sure to leave a small section without newspaper at the top of the balloon, where the excess string is.
- 4). Allow the newspaper on the balloon to dry completely. Repeat the layers two more times, allowing them to dry completely between layers. Once the final layer has been applied and dried, pop the balloon through the opening at the top and remove the balloon.
- 5). Paint the pinata or hang crepe and tissue paper from it. Fill it with candy through the hole in the top and hang it over a branch or pole.