Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Honda Motorcycle Exhaust Tips


    • Upgrading a Honda motorcycle's exhaust system from the stock exhaust system will usually increase the bike's torque and power, as well as change the bike's look and sound. A wide variety of modified exhaust systems are made especially for Honda motorcycles.

      If you decide to replace the stock exhaust pipes on your motorcycle with upgraded pipes, "Motorcycle Cruiser" magazine cautions that you should get port-to-pipe joints (if the new exhaust system doesn't come with them) to protect against exhaust leaks.

      Because Honda motorcycle exhaust systems are mostly on the bike's exterior, installation is essentially as easy as taking off your old exhaust pipes and bolting the new ones on. However, you should carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions so you don't make any mistakes that could disrupt the way the exhaust system works.

      If you're replacing your exhaust pipes, you should also think about keeping your old exhaust pipes in case you need them to pass an inspection or in case you're selling your bike and the buyer prefers the stock parts.


    • If your Honda was made before 1990, the seams in your exhaust pipe might have been "stamp welded" or stamped together under heat and pressure. Stamp-welded pipes can come apart easily, especially over time. If you have exhaust pipes with seams that were stamp welded, consider replacing your pipes altogether, or repair the seams yourself by welding them with a traditional weld.

      If your chrome or nickel exhaust pipes are discolored, you can remove the discoloration yourself. Attach a wire wheel to a drill and go over the discolored spots with a generous amount of pressure. Use a chrome polish to finish the look.

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