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Flirting Tips for Guys - 3 Little Things That Will Get Her Attention

Flirting can be fun.
Many married people still like to flirt now and then just to affirm attractiveness or to get a little special attention.
Maybe in high school you knew at least one flirt - most of the flirts weren't also whores - meaning, most of the time, the flirting doesn't go too far.
Even so, there are people who were noticed to flirt a lot.
There are also people who only flirt when it's quite serious - they only flirt when seeking a partner.
When you choose to flirt - if you even really choose to, try to at least be aware of whether or not you are serious.
Are you really pursuing someone, or are you just affirming attraction without having any intentions? 1.
Smile: this seems simple but its true.
If you are attracted to the person this may happen whether you think about it or not.
If you receive eye contact, and like it, for flirting be sure to smile as a response.
Get closer: this is also straightforward.
Let the person know that you would like to be near her by literally getting close.
The circumstances may dictate how near to the woman you can get.
In some instances, you will be able to put your arm around her or something but in other situations it may be that you are only able to stand or sit near to where she is.
You should watch for encouragement if this is what you want, and try to respond to it.
Even confident people are often shy about being found attractive, and hoping someone finds them attractive.
Eye contact: Flirting is not the only reason for making eye contact but it is a great way to do so.
When possible make eye contact with a woman you want to flirt with.
This is a great signal of interest.
Also, since eyes are windows to the soul, you should 'share your soul' with anyone you flirt with - after all, love is a big deal.
These 3 simple tips will allow you to greatly improve your flirting abilities.
This is something will feel like second nature with enough practice.
It is meant to be fun and harmless.
The main thing is to know whether you are flirting just to get and give some attention and confirmation of attraction or if you are really looking for a partner.
People who are serious about getting a mate can be offended when they find out someone was just flirting for fun.
Even when that is the case, most hurt feelings can be mended.

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