Keeping the Weight Off Whilst Working From Home
There are many advantages to working from home · The flexibility, · Freedom · Choice of hours · Everything at your fingertips · Dual role (you can put the washer on while you are researching keywords) · No travel And the disadvantage · Easily distracted · Eating snacks constantly The last one is the one I want to focus on today.
I work from home a great deal nowadays, even though I still have a wonderful office with the most wonderful views, its just so easy to work from home.
Today is Sunday and I had the thought I wanted to write this, so I just sit down and write.
Great benefit.
The thing is though that I have a tendency to snack a lot.
I work so long then I break for a coffee while I stretch and limber up, too much sitting is not good for anyone.
Of course a coffee on its own is just not as good as a coffee with a lovely chocolate coated ginger biscuit.
Yes, you guessed it, I have a sweet tooth.
And what happens when you do too much of this activity...
right, you gain weight.
So I thought I would bring your attention to it and make sure you are doing something constructive to avoid this.
Because there is no easy way to lose weight once you have collected it, the best way is prevention, don't put it on in the first place.
Here are some tips and practical advice to get you thinking about it.
· Avoid having any kind of junk food in the house · Have a bowl of colourful fruit near where you work · Eat little and often.
If you are sitting for lengths of time, get up at regular intervals and snack on a small piece of fruit or even chopped up veg.
I love baby carrots.
· Drink lots and lots and lots of water.
Not only does it hydrate you and help keep your brain alert, it also quells hunger pangs.
Most times when you are craving food, it is because your body is thirsty.
A good glass of water will help enormously.
It also helps to flush out the toxins.
· Plan your daily meals in advance.
Don't wait until you are really hungry and then decide what you want to eat, it will be disastrous and you will go for all the wrong types of food.
·Plan to have a good portion of healthy veg - preferably steamed (and its so easy to throw 3 or 4 veg in the same steamer, less pans to wash) · For a change, some stir fry is a good option with a very small amount of extra virgin olive oil It gives you lots of colour and tastes and textures, which makes your meal interesting.
Once you go on boring food you start to lose interest in healthy eating.
Experiment with different foods, move away from the fatty, high calorie, high cholesterol foods.
· Oily fish is great for energy, skin and digestion.
Mackerel, Tuna, Salmon (from a responsible fishing sources of course) · And essentially, never go shopping when you are hungry.
If you are craving food when you get into the Aladdin Food Cave (the supermarket) all your careful meal planning will vanish like a genie on your 4th wish! · Increase your activity if you are working from home because you are not doing the travel to the office or workplace.
Walk to the post box to send out your mail, you could even do this a couple of times a day.
Walk to the newsagents, it is a good habit to read a magazine (not for the doom and gloom newspaper articles) but to see what is the 'in thing' right now.
If people are worried about changing jobs at 40 and you work in recruitment, there is a niche for you.
Also walking to a shop you are getting fresh air, you have time to think if you do a nice steady walk, look around you and get the benefit from your time out.
Notice the sky patterns, the birds, the flowers, even the traffic.
I like to watch the people in their cars getting all wound up because they have to wait 3 nano seconds longer in a queue.
Then I think how really lucky I am not to be in that corporate world anymore.
When you return from your walk, you will feel energised and alert, ready to do some fantastic work, like writing your book!! Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
Remember, its the only one you will get so look after it, treat it with respect, don't make it work harder than it should do.
So keep the weight down and your body will thank you and you will look and feel great.
I work from home a great deal nowadays, even though I still have a wonderful office with the most wonderful views, its just so easy to work from home.
Today is Sunday and I had the thought I wanted to write this, so I just sit down and write.
Great benefit.
The thing is though that I have a tendency to snack a lot.
I work so long then I break for a coffee while I stretch and limber up, too much sitting is not good for anyone.
Of course a coffee on its own is just not as good as a coffee with a lovely chocolate coated ginger biscuit.
Yes, you guessed it, I have a sweet tooth.
And what happens when you do too much of this activity...
right, you gain weight.
So I thought I would bring your attention to it and make sure you are doing something constructive to avoid this.
Because there is no easy way to lose weight once you have collected it, the best way is prevention, don't put it on in the first place.
Here are some tips and practical advice to get you thinking about it.
· Avoid having any kind of junk food in the house · Have a bowl of colourful fruit near where you work · Eat little and often.
If you are sitting for lengths of time, get up at regular intervals and snack on a small piece of fruit or even chopped up veg.
I love baby carrots.
· Drink lots and lots and lots of water.
Not only does it hydrate you and help keep your brain alert, it also quells hunger pangs.
Most times when you are craving food, it is because your body is thirsty.
A good glass of water will help enormously.
It also helps to flush out the toxins.
· Plan your daily meals in advance.
Don't wait until you are really hungry and then decide what you want to eat, it will be disastrous and you will go for all the wrong types of food.
·Plan to have a good portion of healthy veg - preferably steamed (and its so easy to throw 3 or 4 veg in the same steamer, less pans to wash) · For a change, some stir fry is a good option with a very small amount of extra virgin olive oil It gives you lots of colour and tastes and textures, which makes your meal interesting.
Once you go on boring food you start to lose interest in healthy eating.
Experiment with different foods, move away from the fatty, high calorie, high cholesterol foods.
· Oily fish is great for energy, skin and digestion.
Mackerel, Tuna, Salmon (from a responsible fishing sources of course) · And essentially, never go shopping when you are hungry.
If you are craving food when you get into the Aladdin Food Cave (the supermarket) all your careful meal planning will vanish like a genie on your 4th wish! · Increase your activity if you are working from home because you are not doing the travel to the office or workplace.
Walk to the post box to send out your mail, you could even do this a couple of times a day.
Walk to the newsagents, it is a good habit to read a magazine (not for the doom and gloom newspaper articles) but to see what is the 'in thing' right now.
If people are worried about changing jobs at 40 and you work in recruitment, there is a niche for you.
Also walking to a shop you are getting fresh air, you have time to think if you do a nice steady walk, look around you and get the benefit from your time out.
Notice the sky patterns, the birds, the flowers, even the traffic.
I like to watch the people in their cars getting all wound up because they have to wait 3 nano seconds longer in a queue.
Then I think how really lucky I am not to be in that corporate world anymore.
When you return from your walk, you will feel energised and alert, ready to do some fantastic work, like writing your book!! Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
Remember, its the only one you will get so look after it, treat it with respect, don't make it work harder than it should do.
So keep the weight down and your body will thank you and you will look and feel great.