Health & Medical Lose Weight

Not Fat Loss For Idiots - Real Fat Loss Solutions to Lose Weight and Build Lean Muscle

There is a seemingly endless amount of information regarding fat loss solutions available online.
But what is really good information and what is just a scam? If you are serious about losing weight, building lean muscle, and getting your body in the shape you want, then here are some proven tips that will help you in your journey.
  1. Stop drinking diet soda - Many people feel that drinking soda is acceptable when on a diet, as long as it is diet soda.
    However, even though there are no calories in most diet soda, there are still several ingredients that will hamper your weight loss progress.
    Specifically, diet soda contains sodium.
    And sodium will make you retain water in your body, giving you bloating and excess water weight.
    Cut out the diet soda, and you can lose that weight being held by the sodium pretty quickly.
  2. Research Supplements and use them intelligently- Using a weight loss supplement can be helpful, but be careful about which you choose.
    There are really only two supplements that I currently recommend - Acai Berry for it's known natural properties of suppressing the appetite, and Resveratrol for the antioxidant properties that will increase your energy levels and improve your heart function.
    Many companies are promoting other supplements, but some are actually very dangerous to use.
  3. Calories are generally not the issue - Many diets will tell you to simply reduce caloric intake to lose weight.
    While this will help a little bit, it is more important you understand the source of the calories you do eat each day.
    Instead of looking at total fat, or total calories, study the calories FROM fat on the label, and focus on eating lean protein that will metabolize better than sugary food high in calories from fat.
    The lean protein will also help you build lean muscle instead of fat.
Learning how to lose weight quickly and effectively can be challenging with all the information floating around.
Use the above tips to give you a great start on your diet plans.

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