Technology Electronics

Understanding the Differences Between Windows Mobile Pocket Pc’s.

I've often been asked from my customers why they should choose a Pocket PC over a Smartphone or vice versa. Many users don't realize that each type of device offers unique User interface setups and thus function differently. In this article I'm going to give a quick breakdown of Pocket PC's vs. Smartphone devices. Mainly just a quick look at a few important differences.

Windows Mobile

Touch Screen Vs One Handed Navigation

Pocket PC's are touch screen based units, meaning users can either use a stylus or their fingers to navigate throughout their device. This is an important aspect to consider, if your screen size is small the pocket pc device may become bothersome to use as you may have to navigate through hard to press icons to reach your overall destination. On the other hand a Pocket PC is great if the buttons are easy to push, the iPhone 3G or the HTC TyTN II are both great examples of easy to navigate Pocket PC models. Keep in mind you'll more than likely be relegated to using both hands at the same time.

On the other hand Smartphones are non-touch screen devices that place their focus on one handed navigation, this is often preferred by users who quickly want to pull up menu's without having to press around on their screens. Smartphone devices such as the new Windows Mobile 6.0 smartphones have home screens that are set up for one handed navigation; you can simply scroll between easy to access menus and in most cases press on a button to access your applications.

Speaking of applications, this is another important area to examine. For instance, Pocket PC third party applications for a Pocket PC will be different in design than a Smartphone Application, the reason being the lack of a touch screen on the Smartphone. It’s not to say one is better than the other, just that the Smartphone application will require more modular navigating over the Touch screen based program. In most cases one app will not work on both devices, if you are switching over to a Smartphone or Pocket PC you may want to make sure your favorite applications will still be accessible or at least offer a version for your new device.

Finally, Smartphone’s also tend to lean towards T9 text input, since most, but not all smartphones do not feature a full keyboard, of course the Blackjack series and some HTC devices break from this convention.

Personally I like the flow of Smartphones, I can navigate easily, although it did take some time to get use to. Whatever decision you make i'd definitely suggest looking at the device online or if possible in person to make sure the device is comfortable for you.

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