Health & Medical Healthy Living

What Are the Benefits of Garlic Supplements?


    • Garlic contains a number of chemicals that have medicinal properties. These chemicals include allicin, selenium and germanium.


    • Garlic is often used to fight bacterial infections, including staphyloccus and streptococcus. Garlic has also been used to combat parasites invading the body, including Helicobacter pylori, which can lead to gastric ulcers.

    Antibacterial Properties

    • The antibacterial effects of garlic have been known for many years. During both world wars, it was used as an antiseptic.

    The Heart

    • Garlic benefits the heart because of its cholesterol-lowering qualities. It has also been used to slow the formation of clots within arteries and is thought to break down clots that have already formed.


    • Garlic is known as an antioxidant, which controls free radicals that can cause damage throughout the body.


    • Garlic is also used to help people with diabetes because it can reduce blood sugar levels.

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