Is there a limiting belief somewhere deep in your psyche that is stopping and holding you back from the life you really want to live?Is there some crazy notion that masquerades as common sense that prevents you from taking action? Many of us have limiting beliefs that we may not even be aware of.
Often these beliefs hide behind such noble attributes as responsibility, duty, and commitment.
But why limit our lives to being less than all we can be for the sake of these limiting beliefs?Why settle for less than? Here are some examples of limiting beliefs that you may subscribe to-- "I really can't make a living playing golf" (or tennis, or swimming, or whatever else you love) "I'm too old to get a part in a movie" "I'm too old to go back to school" (learn something new, start a new business, or get a new job) "I'm too young to be taken seriously in that kind of job" "I should spend my days doing something productive to make money rather than doing Art" "People who graduated from Law School should not become pastry chefs" "I can't follow my dream, I have to make a living" "No one in my family has ever done that before" You get the picture.
It's very clear when it is written out on paper that none of these statements are "true".
Yet many of us let these limiting thoughts and beliefs stop us from taking the very actions we need to take to make a breakthrough to the life of our dreams.
So how do we identify and uncover these limiting subconscious beliefs?The simple way is to identify how it feels.
Limiting beliefs feel bad, wrong, disempowering.
Limiting beliefs feel like drudgery.
If there is something that you really want to do, something that makes your heart sing, and you are letting a limiting belief stop you, you will know by the way you feel.
The song in your heart will choke up but it won't stop, it will repeat itself like an old phonograph record player and a scratched vinyl record.
You will know.
So find those nagging little absurd notions that are stopping you and change that thought, change your mind, change your life.
You only get one life that you can be sure of so you might as well spend it being happy and joyous by doing what your heart desires instead of letting limits stop you.
You have that song in your heart for a reason.
Give up the limits.
Give up what is stopping you.
Go for it and make it happen.
Often these beliefs hide behind such noble attributes as responsibility, duty, and commitment.
But why limit our lives to being less than all we can be for the sake of these limiting beliefs?Why settle for less than? Here are some examples of limiting beliefs that you may subscribe to-- "I really can't make a living playing golf" (or tennis, or swimming, or whatever else you love) "I'm too old to get a part in a movie" "I'm too old to go back to school" (learn something new, start a new business, or get a new job) "I'm too young to be taken seriously in that kind of job" "I should spend my days doing something productive to make money rather than doing Art" "People who graduated from Law School should not become pastry chefs" "I can't follow my dream, I have to make a living" "No one in my family has ever done that before" You get the picture.
It's very clear when it is written out on paper that none of these statements are "true".
Yet many of us let these limiting thoughts and beliefs stop us from taking the very actions we need to take to make a breakthrough to the life of our dreams.
So how do we identify and uncover these limiting subconscious beliefs?The simple way is to identify how it feels.
Limiting beliefs feel bad, wrong, disempowering.
Limiting beliefs feel like drudgery.
If there is something that you really want to do, something that makes your heart sing, and you are letting a limiting belief stop you, you will know by the way you feel.
The song in your heart will choke up but it won't stop, it will repeat itself like an old phonograph record player and a scratched vinyl record.
You will know.
So find those nagging little absurd notions that are stopping you and change that thought, change your mind, change your life.
You only get one life that you can be sure of so you might as well spend it being happy and joyous by doing what your heart desires instead of letting limits stop you.
You have that song in your heart for a reason.
Give up the limits.
Give up what is stopping you.
Go for it and make it happen.