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How to Create a Mesh Hat

    • 1). Cut out sections of your hat that you want to replace with mesh. Leave the brim intact, and consider leaving any other structural pieces, such as those that create an "X" shape over the top of the head, intact as well. The more structural pieces that remain, the sturdier the hat. Consider alternating sections as well; leave one cloth and make the next mesh, and so on.

    • 2). Cut the mesh to fit in the removed sections. Leave at least 1 centimeter around the sides of the mesh to glue to the hat. If you cut everything except the brim, put the mesh on your head, put the brim on top of the mesh, and then use a marker to draw a line where you need to cut the mesh--1 centimeter down from the brim.

    • 3). Turn the hat inside-out and glue the mesh to the remaining structures. If you cut out everything except the brim, glue the mesh to the brim only. Allow it to dry completely before wearing it.

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