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How to Create a Time Line on iWork

    • 1). Click "Applications" on the dock of your Mac, and then click "iWork" and "Pages." The Template Chooser appears.

    • 2). Click "Blank" under "Page Layout" in the left pane of the Pages window, and then click the thumbnail of the vertical "Blank Canvas" or the thumbnail of the horizontal "Blank Canvas Landscape" template. Click "Choose." A new blank Pages document appears.

    • 3). Click the "Shapes" pull-down menu at the top of the Pages window, and then click the icon of a line. A horizontal line appears in the Pages window, with square handles on each end.

    • 4). Drag the line until you have placed it as close to the left side of the page as you want, and then click the box on the right side of the line and drag it to extend the time line line to the right as far as you want.

    • 5). Click "Text Box" at the top of the window. A blank text box appears on the page. Type a starting year in the text box. For example, if your time line spans 1950 to 2000, type "1950" in this box. Click "Fonts" at the top of the Pages window. The Fonts palette appears. Click a font name, style and size to customize the text.

    • 6). Drag the text box below the time line line you created.

    • 7). Right-click the text box, and then click "Copy."

    • 8). Position the cursor to the right of the first text box. Right-click, and then click "Paste" to create a duplicate of the first text box. Select the text of the date in this copy of the text box, and then type a new date. Continue this process until you've made enough text boxes for each year in your time line.

    • 9). Click the "Shapes" pull-down menu at the top of the Pages window, and then click the icon of a line. A horizontal line appears in the Pages window. Click the box on the right end of the line, and drag it upward until the line is vertical.

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      Drag the vertical line to position it above the first text box on the timeline. Drag the square box on the top of the line upward to lengthen it, or drag it downward to shorten it.

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      Click "Text Box" at the top of the Pages window, and drag the text box to position it above the vertical line above the first year in your timeline. Type a description, such as a milestone or an event in your time line that corresponds to the date. Click the "Fonts" pallet if you want to change the font name, style or size.

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      Click the text box containing the first event, and then click the line that points to it to select them both. Right-click and click "Copy." Position the cursor above the second date in the time line, and then click "Paste" to copy a new time line line and text box in place. If necessary, drag them to reposition them to match the date text box below the time line. Click the text in the text box and type in an event that corresponds to its date in the time line. Continue this process until you've made a text box and vertical line above each dated text box on the time line.

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