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How to Find a Property Description in Van Buren County, Michigan

    Register of Deeds

    • 1). Go to the Register of Deeds office in the County Administration and Law Services Building at 219 E. Paw Paw St., Suite 102, Paw Paw, MI 49709.

    • 2). Request to look at the property description, deed, plat, survey or other document that provides a description of your specific property. Give the clerk the property address.

    • 3). Look over the records provided. You can request a copy of the record for $1 (as of 2011).

    County Treasurer

    • 1). Go to the Van Buren County Treasurer's Property Tax Search page online (see Resources).

    • 2). Enter the property parcel number, the street name and number, or the owner's name in the corresponding fields. Click "Search."

    • 3). Click on the parcel number that matches the property address or owner's name.

    • 4). Read the "Property Description" section of the page for that specific piece of property.

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