Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

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Knee Pain is No Honeymoon

Knee Pain is No Honeymoon

Earlier this year I decided to take "The Plunge." I asked her last December 2008 to marry me. She said, "Yes!" Then in September of this year (2009) we both said, "I do!" Everything before the wedding was a blur, then the wedding, even fuzzier & faster, then the honeymo
Subluxation of the Tailbone

Subluxation of the Tailbone

Subluxation of the tailbone, a painful misalignment of the "tail" of the spine, can respond to manual realignment and other therapies.
RSI Claims - When Should You Make an RSI Claim?

RSI Claims - When Should You Make an RSI Claim?

Repetitive strain injury or 'RSI' is an injury which tends to happen as a result of long-term, repetitive and excessive overuse of the arm. Because the condition can lead to time off work, as well as pain and suffering, it can lead to RSI claims.
End Chronic Back Pain Within 4 Weeks - The Best Activities That Correct Spinal Alignment Naturally

End Chronic Back Pain Within 4 Weeks - The Best Activities That Correct Spinal Alignment Naturally

Poor posture, sedentary job, work at a computer are some of the common back pain causes nowadays. Fortunately, many people who suffer from chronic low back can be relieved by means of pain-killers. Nevertheless, these drugs are not able to treat the cause of pain and people often experience side eff
What is Sciatic Pain and What Are the Symptoms?

What is Sciatic Pain and What Are the Symptoms?

Do you have pain in the lower back, you may actually have aches when you sit or stand for long periods. If this is the case you may have sciatic pain.
A Sports Knee Brace - When Supporting Painful, Hurt Or Aching Knees Can Make All the Difference!

A Sports Knee Brace - When Supporting Painful, Hurt Or Aching Knees Can Make All the Difference!

If you are considering getting a sports knee brace, then we suggest you read this article first. Whether you play football, basketball, soccer, or you are a runner, the information here can help you save time and money.
Rotator Cuff Pain - How Do I Know If There's a Problem and What Can Be Done About It?

Rotator Cuff Pain - How Do I Know If There's a Problem and What Can Be Done About It?

Have you been dealing with rotator cuff pain (pain in or near your shoulder) in hopes that it will just go away? This type of pain can be debilitating and force you to stop your normal level of activity. It can prevent you from doing basic things like getting dressed, washing your hair, playing with
Tendonitis Can Be Treated

Tendonitis Can Be Treated

These days we are all so busy we have no time for injuries, especially ones that stop us from doing our jobs. Cure your ailments fasts.
Children and Migraines - How to Tell If Your Child Has Them and How to Prevent Them

Children and Migraines - How to Tell If Your Child Has Them and How to Prevent Them

Many parents don't believe their children can have migraines. But they can. This article lists the symptoms to look for that can tell if your child is suffering from migraines or just normal headaches. It also discusses some things than can cause migraines. Finally, it offers helpful informatio


What is capsaicin?Capsaicin is the ingredient found in different types of peppers, such as cayenne peppers, that makes the peppers hot. You can eat it in raw or cooked peppers or as a dried powder, which you can add to food or drinks. It also is available as a dietary supplement and in topical ...
Heavy Backpacks Can Hurt Backs

Heavy Backpacks Can Hurt Backs

Backpacks are a popular accessory with every generation. Everyone, including kindergarten students to individuals in their senior years, have a backpack. Unfortunately, even though backpacks are extremely useful, they also have their downsides. Heavy backpacks, for example don't only cause poor
How to Prevent Migraine Headaches

How to Prevent Migraine Headaches

The first step in preventing a migraine headache is to recognize the symptoms that actually cause the migraine to occur. One method of doing this is to keep a "headache diary" in which you will record the severity of your attack as well as the foods you consumed during the 24 hours prior t
What Are the Causes of Nausea & Headache?

What Are the Causes of Nausea & Headache?

Nausea and headache are signs that the body needs a timeout to help bring itself back to its normal state. To help cure the nausea and headache, you need to know what is causing them in the first place. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of reasons why a person can experience both nausea and headache
Overcoming Injuries With Water Therapy - the Burdenko Method

Overcoming Injuries With Water Therapy - the Burdenko Method

Water has long been used for its therapeutic effects.Russian immigrant Dr. Igor Burdenko has combined water therapy with land exercises for some incredible results.Among his success stories is former Olympic skater Nancy Kerrigan.
Back Pain Specialist and Back Pain Services

Back Pain Specialist and Back Pain Services

Many people around the globe these days are affected by some form of lower back pain and could maintain much will need a specialist. This can be a persistent and frequently debilitating situation and can depart individuals with no idea where to change with regard to help. This specialist is really a
Back Pain Treatment - The Diagnostic Dilemma

Back Pain Treatment - The Diagnostic Dilemma

In most cases of physical illness or disability, the general rule is that without a specific diagnosis of where the pain is coming from, or what is its cause, there is little chance of treating that pain or hastening recovery. When it comes to most back pain treatments, however, no such rule applies
Keep Pain at Bay With a Knee Brace For Meniscus Injury - Improve Your Knee Stability and Reduce Pain

Keep Pain at Bay With a Knee Brace For Meniscus Injury - Improve Your Knee Stability and Reduce Pain

Do you have a meniscus injury? Of the many knee injuries that can occur, there are few worse than having a meniscus injury. This can be extremely painful and also takes a long time to recover, making it the bane of professional athletes around the world.
Pain and Discomfort and How I Cope With It

Pain and Discomfort and How I Cope With It

Having broken her neck in a car crash twenty years ago, she has had to find coping methods to combat the pain on a daily basis. She tells you what she has done and if it has helped or not.
Ankle Sprains - What Are They?

Ankle Sprains - What Are They?

Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury and occur thousands of time each week. Of course, they can also happen in daily life and high heels are responsible for many a sprained ankle!
Chiropractic - How To Avoid Sciatic Nerve Pain

Chiropractic - How To Avoid Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain sometimes called Sciatica can be one of the most painful conditions a person can experience. Typically it is pain that descends from the lower back or buttock into the thigh, and possibly into the lower leg and foot. I'd like to give you ideas on how to avoid sciatic nerve pa