Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

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The Shoulder Joint is Related to the Neck.

The Shoulder Joint is Related to the Neck.

Neck pain and injury may becaused by shoulder joint injury due to the musculoskeletal system's chain reaction feature.
How to Use Herbs to Get Relief From Body Aches and Joint Pains

How to Use Herbs to Get Relief From Body Aches and Joint Pains

Do you constantly get body aches and joint pains? Rather than using prescription medication prescribed by physicians, you could herbal remedies as an alternative. There many benefits to using herbal remedies as opposed to using the prescribed medication.
Knee Pain Causes That You Must Know About

Knee Pain Causes That You Must Know About

The knee is one of the most important joints in the body. When the knee is subjected to injury or trauma and cannot carry the torso, one's mobility and ability to function is severely affected. "My knees ache!" is a common complaint heard not only from the older people but from younge
Exercise Is Simply the Best Remedy for Your Back Pain

Exercise Is Simply the Best Remedy for Your Back Pain

Are you suffering from Back Pain? Does your back hurt so bad, that it weighs you down? I know for certain, that there is a Solution to your painful back problem...and the answer is Exercise! Exercise is Simply the Best Remedy for your Back Pain.
Tips for Natural Migraine Relief

Tips for Natural Migraine Relief

There is hope for those who suffer from migraine headaches. Implementing the tips below will possibly eliminate or reduce the frequency and pain level of migraines.
How to Withdraw From the Fentanyl Patch

How to Withdraw From the Fentanyl Patch

Fentanyl, also known by its brand name Duragesic, is an opioid with a high risk of physical dependence and psychological addiction. Abrupt withdrawal or unsupervised withdrawal from the fentanyl patch can be medically dangerous and is often unsuccessful, reports Director Steve Hayes, on the Novus Me
Are Frivolous Lawsuits Driving Up Healthcare Costs?

Are Frivolous Lawsuits Driving Up Healthcare Costs?

Are Frivolous Lawsuits Driving Up Healthcare Costs? A new A new nonprofit organization, "Lawsuit Abuse Makes Us Sick," says they are and invites all to their Million Email March on Washington, D.C. A senior counselor for the group, Dr. Elizabeth Connell wants Americans to know how frivolou
Be You Own Back Pain Management Specialist

Be You Own Back Pain Management Specialist

Pain is very subjective and in many cases difficult to treat. Many times patient suffering from non-specific pain is often dismissed by their doctors. These physicians have been trained to look for organic causes. So what is a person to do? Well the short answer is they need to become their own pain
Sciatica Stretches

Sciatica Stretches

Sciatica is a term that describes a series of symptoms including pain, weakness and a tingling sensation in the lower legs and back. It would seem like common sense that if the back and legs are hurting, then you should not use them to avoid aggravating the injury any further. However, sciatica stre
Back Pain Treatment - Is Spinal Fusion the Final Option For Back Pain Relief?

Back Pain Treatment - Is Spinal Fusion the Final Option For Back Pain Relief?

Spinal fusion is a surgically invasive treatment for particular back pain sufferers.In spinal fusion, two or more vertebrae are welded together to create a single segment that restricts movement for that area of the spine.Depending upon the individual, the restriction of movement in that spinal area
How Come Pain Meds Work So Quickly?

How Come Pain Meds Work So Quickly?

PainPain is an inherent survival mechanism that's a part of the human body. Pain informs us when our bodies are being damaged in some way, whether it's a broken bone, cancer or just a simple scrape. If there's damage being done, people will feel pain, and the amount or importance of the...
Common Foods That Trigger Migraine Headaches and Pain

Common Foods That Trigger Migraine Headaches and Pain

Some food when eaten by people who have migraines, the food triggers an attack. Sometime it can be just one type of food or a combination of foods.
What is the Cause of Severe Migraines?

What is the Cause of Severe Migraines?

ResearchThe exact cause of migraines remains unclear. It's also not clear what causes some migraines to be much more severe than others. Up until the 1980s, researchers believed that migraines were caused by changes in blood vessels in the brain. But, according to MedlinePlus, a service...
Infrared Lamp for Sciatic Pain Relief

Infrared Lamp for Sciatic Pain Relief

Having suffered from lower back pain for the better part of 40 years with little to no relief makes one skeptical - especially when all you have to do is, lie on your stomach for 30 minutes and let someone turn the lamp on and aim the lamp head at your lower back.
Why Do Custom Orthotic Arch Supports Cost So Much?

Why Do Custom Orthotic Arch Supports Cost So Much?

How is it possible that some places charge you $300 dollars for a custom orthotics and others charge less than $100? What's the difference? Are the more expensive arch supports more effective? The answers may surprise you (and get me in trouble with the big orthotic companies).
Common Back Pain Mistakes

Common Back Pain Mistakes

Although back pain is a common phenomenon, it is not well understood. Misconceptions about what causes back pain and the roles patients should play in their recovery can lead to failed treatments. Learn how to avoid sabotaging your own recovery.
Chiropractor or Doctor of Osteopathy? Which Is Right For You

Chiropractor or Doctor of Osteopathy? Which Is Right For You

While many people have heard of chiropractors, doctors of osteopathy are not as commonly discussed. Those who seek chiropractic care may be better of pursuing treatment from a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Learn the differences between these medical professionals and make an informed decision as t
What is Frozen Shoulder?

What is Frozen Shoulder?

The medical term for frozen shoulder is "adhesive capsulitis". This is a painful condition and makes it difficult for the sufferer to mobilize his or her shoulder.
Hip Replacement: Electro Therapy - Can It Postpone It? (It May Worth Checking It Out For Free)

Hip Replacement: Electro Therapy - Can It Postpone It? (It May Worth Checking It Out For Free)

As we "Baby-Boomers" age, we're told our joints wear out, and there is no alternative other than to have our leg cut off, and have a shank-of-steel stuffed down the raw end of the bone. Thankfully, the cost is only about $45,000 per joint... What if it was possible to use a little-kno