Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

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Treating Back Pains With Teeter Hang Ups

Treating Back Pains With Teeter Hang Ups

The Teeter Hangs Ups inversion equipment has been around since the 1980's and was used for therapy sessions to treat chronic back pains, and some spinal alignment problems. Known as inversion therapy, this method involved hanging the body upside down or at other inverted angles for various medi
Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal Decompression Therapy

WebMD explains both surgical and nonsurgical spinal decompression. Learn what’s involved and find out if it could ease your back pain.
Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Treatments for Sciatica

Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Treatments for Sciatica

Individuals who have suffered from sciatica typically find that self-care treatments are very effective and include alternating between cold and hot packs, walking, stretching and using over the counter medications like Ibuprofen. If going this route doesn't bring you any relief, your doctor wi
Bulging Disc Surgery - Safer Treatments and Alternatives

Bulging Disc Surgery - Safer Treatments and Alternatives

Spinal decompression is one example of an FDA approved medical procedure providing a non-invasive alternative for many patients experiencing painful spinal conditions. The following overview samples other available care for chronic back pain due to disc conditions.
Ask the Clinician: Answers to Readers' Questions.

Ask the Clinician: Answers to Readers' Questions.

Ask the Clinician with Dr. John Claude Krusz and Teri Robert for About Headaches and Migraine: Answers to reader questions about headaches and Migraine disease.
Eat the Right Foods and Get Rid of Headaches

Eat the Right Foods and Get Rid of Headaches

One thing that all of us need to do regularly is eat. Some of us simply eat to live, and we don't really care what it is that we eat, provided we get nutrition that we need. Others of us really pay attention to absolutely everything that goes in our mouth and we may be concerned, perhaps as a r
Improve Your Posture Today and Say Goodbye to Back Pain Forever!

Improve Your Posture Today and Say Goodbye to Back Pain Forever!

Day after day you end up dealing with back pain and can't really explain why. Your parents told you for years to stop you're slouching and stand up straight.
What Tests Are Done to Confirm Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What Tests Are Done to Confirm Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The classic findings on physical examination for carpal tunnel syndrome are a Tinel's and Phalen's test. A Tinel's sign is performed by tapping the median nerve, where you'll feel electricity shoot down the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and a portion of your ring finger. A
How People Deal With Whiplash

How People Deal With Whiplash

People often deal with whiplash by treating the symptoms only and don't address the underlying cause of the problem. You may have heard of a similar situation to the following. A person is stopped at a stop sign and a car suddenly hits them from behind. The hit is unexpected because the person
Exercise For Your Back

Exercise For Your Back

Do you suffer from lower back pain? There's nothing more frustrating or debilitating, than waiting for muscle spasms in your back to relax. The root of many back problems is simply a result of weak muscles.
Healing From Back Pain

Healing From Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common ailments that prompt visits to the doctor.Often we think surgery may be the only option, but the truth is there are many conservative treatments you can take advantage of to become back pain free.Learn how you can combat back pain without the dangers of invasive b
Reducing Back Pain

Reducing Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common adult afflictions and being able to identify the causes of the pain will go a long way in providing relief and treatment for this condition. Aging is a great factor in back-pain in adults. The aging process can bring on many changes in the body and many who suffer
Knee Injuries and Some Causes

Knee Injuries and Some Causes

Knee injuries occur frequently and for a variety of reasons. Knee injuries happen due to sports, age, and accidents among other factors. When a person suffers a knee problem, it impairs their mobility and speaking from experience, a knee injury can be quite painful.
Mid Back Pain Relief - Do You Know These Techniques?

Mid Back Pain Relief - Do You Know These Techniques?

When you suffer from mid back pain, each moment can feel like an eternity.Research into this problem is ongoing but so far only short term back relief remedies are available. Whilst prescription pain relief pills may in fact dull the pain to a manageable degree, they do not treat the root cause of t
The Growing Popularity of Cobroxin for Pain Relief

The Growing Popularity of Cobroxin for Pain Relief

The market is full of products that claim to offer relief from physical pain which includes lower back pain, pain in the joints, arthritis etc. These are some of the most common complications associated with health. Many people experience these issues and hence are always on a lookout to come across
How to Beat Neck Pain With Chiropractic Care

How to Beat Neck Pain With Chiropractic Care

Are you suffering from nagging or extreme neck pain and not sure what to do about it? Have you been to the medical doctor and left with steroid injections, muscle relaxers, and pain relievers? If you answered yes to any of the above questions this article is for you.
Advantage of Using Inserted Supports

Advantage of Using Inserted Supports

To treat the pain that is caused by arches or rolled in ankles; put the arch supports inside the shoes due to flexibility. That way you will have the support you need for you and your feet whether it's a doctor's recommendations or a product trial. Don't move the arches so much, so th
Boot Camp or Standing One's Ground

Boot Camp or Standing One's Ground

Feetlings are found on biped toddlers.They are happy, painless and very ticklish.Those are pre-shoe feet.
Treatments for Chronic Back Pain

Treatments for Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain used to be something patients just had to live with. In recent years, however, researchers have learned a lot about pain and its physiological and psychological basis which has lead to pain management treatments that can provide either partial or constant relief.