Exercise Is Simply the Best Remedy for Your Back Pain
A majority of people are afflicted with Back Pain, from periodic pain to constant and long-lasting pain resulting in disability.
Not treating your back properly, will lead to back pain, Sciatica and bulging disc (herniation).
Causes of Back Pain:- - Diseases like Appendicitis, kidney diseases, Pelvic infection and Osteomyelitis (bone infection).
- Trauma to the muscles, spine, ligaments and nerves of the spine.
- Abnormalities of abdominal organs or chest, may be linked to the back.
- Stress on our bodies, eventually results in compression of the spine, causing back problems.
- Herniated or bulging discs due to degeneration, as the spinal discs progressively become thinner and worn out.
- Occurrence of Spondylosis due to loss of moisture and volume, in the intervertebral discs, thus decreasing disc height.
This in turn causes inflammation and Sciatica.
- Tumours and cancerous growths in the spine, are a source of spinal pain.
- Herpes Zoster or Shingles, develop due to spinal nerves infection, thus causing back pain.
Since our bodies know how to naturally heal wounds, lacerations and trauma--it does likewise for our discs, Sciatica and back pain.
All it requires, is our co-operation with our bodies natural healing and not Resistance.
Our spine and vertebrae must be in the S- shape to stay healthy.
Alignment of the pelvis is absolutely necessary as the pelvis is the back's foundation.
Do you know that gravity compresses our spine? On the other hand, strange as it seems--Orbiting in space, as discovered by NASA, actually decompresses our spine and possibly cause increase in growth.
Mobilization like Exercise is simply the Best remedy, for the prevention of the occurrence of Back Pain.
Mobilize your back, as it is vital, to ensure your back is flexible and not stiff.
You can do this with the slow Rotation Exercises of the body.
Stand with your feet slightly apart, and place both your hands on each side of your hips.
Slowly turn the right side of your body, from the front to the back, then rotate it back to the front.
Next, turn the left side of your body slowly from the front to the back, and then rotate it back to the front.
Repeat this exercise to the count of ten, with both your hands still on your hips as you rotate.
This will really help to strengthen the muscles around your spine, and improve circulation around your back.
How a bad posture can contribute to your backache and compress the spinal vertebrae, when you hunch.
So, correct your posture by sitting upright or stand straight, with both your shoulders pulling slightly backwards when you walk.
Learn to lengthen and strengthen your lower back muscles: Align your pelvis with your back straightened up, then lower your body by bending your knees with out-stretched hands.
Hold this position for a few seconds, then return back to your normal position of standing up--your hands still stretching out.
Repeat this work-out several times as you are able to.
Inhale when you bend your knees down, and exhale when you straighten up.
Know that you never bend your back over in front, to lift up any weight, by picking up heavy objects as this causes strain or injury to your spine and back muscles.
Always bend your knees to lower your body down, and not your body, to bend over.
Are you aware that stretching exercise can benefit your back too? Just lie on your back with your legs stretched out together.
Slowly raise your right leg up as high as you are able, hold it for a few seconds, then lower your right leg to a count of ten.
Do this same exercise with your left leg alternately.
When you sleep, try lying on your side laterally, then curl your body in a foetal position with your head bent slightly.
Clasp both your hands together round your bended knees.
You will be surprised that this will definitely help to align your spinal column, and will relieve your back pain.
For sure I know, it takes time to get accustomed to sleeping in this odd, yet natural position.
Can you recall, that this is the natural position a foetus, or unborn baby lie in the Uterus? On getting up from the bed, always turn to your side or roll on your side, then lower your legs down and get up from your side of the bed.
By bending your upper torso to a sitting up position and get up from bed, can be straining--especially if you have a stiff and painful back! Know that diet too, can relate to your body's power and capability to heal pain, and these are essentially the food rich in calcium and vitamins.
Not treating your back properly, will lead to back pain, Sciatica and bulging disc (herniation).
Causes of Back Pain:- - Diseases like Appendicitis, kidney diseases, Pelvic infection and Osteomyelitis (bone infection).
- Trauma to the muscles, spine, ligaments and nerves of the spine.
- Abnormalities of abdominal organs or chest, may be linked to the back.
- Stress on our bodies, eventually results in compression of the spine, causing back problems.
- Herniated or bulging discs due to degeneration, as the spinal discs progressively become thinner and worn out.
- Occurrence of Spondylosis due to loss of moisture and volume, in the intervertebral discs, thus decreasing disc height.
This in turn causes inflammation and Sciatica.
- Tumours and cancerous growths in the spine, are a source of spinal pain.
- Herpes Zoster or Shingles, develop due to spinal nerves infection, thus causing back pain.
Since our bodies know how to naturally heal wounds, lacerations and trauma--it does likewise for our discs, Sciatica and back pain.
All it requires, is our co-operation with our bodies natural healing and not Resistance.
Our spine and vertebrae must be in the S- shape to stay healthy.
Alignment of the pelvis is absolutely necessary as the pelvis is the back's foundation.
Do you know that gravity compresses our spine? On the other hand, strange as it seems--Orbiting in space, as discovered by NASA, actually decompresses our spine and possibly cause increase in growth.
Mobilization like Exercise is simply the Best remedy, for the prevention of the occurrence of Back Pain.
Mobilize your back, as it is vital, to ensure your back is flexible and not stiff.
You can do this with the slow Rotation Exercises of the body.
Stand with your feet slightly apart, and place both your hands on each side of your hips.
Slowly turn the right side of your body, from the front to the back, then rotate it back to the front.
Next, turn the left side of your body slowly from the front to the back, and then rotate it back to the front.
Repeat this exercise to the count of ten, with both your hands still on your hips as you rotate.
This will really help to strengthen the muscles around your spine, and improve circulation around your back.
How a bad posture can contribute to your backache and compress the spinal vertebrae, when you hunch.
So, correct your posture by sitting upright or stand straight, with both your shoulders pulling slightly backwards when you walk.
Learn to lengthen and strengthen your lower back muscles: Align your pelvis with your back straightened up, then lower your body by bending your knees with out-stretched hands.
Hold this position for a few seconds, then return back to your normal position of standing up--your hands still stretching out.
Repeat this work-out several times as you are able to.
Inhale when you bend your knees down, and exhale when you straighten up.
Know that you never bend your back over in front, to lift up any weight, by picking up heavy objects as this causes strain or injury to your spine and back muscles.
Always bend your knees to lower your body down, and not your body, to bend over.
Are you aware that stretching exercise can benefit your back too? Just lie on your back with your legs stretched out together.
Slowly raise your right leg up as high as you are able, hold it for a few seconds, then lower your right leg to a count of ten.
Do this same exercise with your left leg alternately.
When you sleep, try lying on your side laterally, then curl your body in a foetal position with your head bent slightly.
Clasp both your hands together round your bended knees.
You will be surprised that this will definitely help to align your spinal column, and will relieve your back pain.
For sure I know, it takes time to get accustomed to sleeping in this odd, yet natural position.
Can you recall, that this is the natural position a foetus, or unborn baby lie in the Uterus? On getting up from the bed, always turn to your side or roll on your side, then lower your legs down and get up from your side of the bed.
By bending your upper torso to a sitting up position and get up from bed, can be straining--especially if you have a stiff and painful back! Know that diet too, can relate to your body's power and capability to heal pain, and these are essentially the food rich in calcium and vitamins.