Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

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Naturist Treatments With Lovage

Naturist Treatments With Lovage

As herbs, the lovage (leaves or roots) is used to treat the following conditions and diseases: dropsy, rheumatism, heart disease, gout. Plant good causes diuresis (removal of water from the body), which helps to eliminate ...
Herbal Remedies For Menstruation Problem, Prevent Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Herbal Remedies For Menstruation Problem, Prevent Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Infrequent monthly release of blood or irregular menstruation happens in condition when the women's cycle starts after 35 days or before 22 days. Women may get bleeding between the monthly cycles and sometimes, women get ...
Does the Amount of Dental Infections,Root Canal Infections, Influence the Severity of Disease?

Does the Amount of Dental Infections,Root Canal Infections, Influence the Severity of Disease?

The evidence indicates that toxic substance mayunder certain circumstances sensitize the bodyor special tissues so that very small quantitiesof the organisms, which produce that toxin, mayproduce very marked reactions and disturbances.
Three Steps To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids

Three Steps To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids

Constipation, Hemorrhoids or Piles, and inactivity go hand in hand. If you have been constipated for quite a while, chances are you have hemorrhoids. Learn three steps you can take to get rid of hemorrhoids.
Excellent Test for Hypnotic Somnambulism

Excellent Test for Hypnotic Somnambulism

Each author seems to have a different description for varios depths of hypnosis. The problem with most of these, so called depths of hypnosis, is the tests to confirm them are usually rather subjective. Nevertheless, ...
Natural Remedies For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Natural Remedies For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a comprehensive term for a conglomeration of ailments that affects the gastro-intestinal tract creating a lot of uneasiness for the sufferer. The main symptoms of this disease are intense pain in the abdomen, uneasiness, cramping, heartburns, alternating loose motions and
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - How To Accelerate Your Healing Time Without Drugs

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - How To Accelerate Your Healing Time Without Drugs

Discover how Hyperbaric Therapy (Oxygen Therapy) can double your recovery time. Professional athletes and NFL team are now adopting this therapy.
Best Known Natural Home Remedies For Sinusitis

Best Known Natural Home Remedies For Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a very common medical condition which can affect people regardless their age and gender. Natural home remedies for sinusitis are much appreciated because these remedies can put an end to this condition and make the sufferer feel better.
Acupuncture Can Cure a Number of Ailments

Acupuncture Can Cure a Number of Ailments

From the early days of modern civilization human beings has discovered many techniques and medications to cure various diseases. There are many evidences of treating patients with alternative medications. One of such kind is Acupuncture. ...
Information About Ayurvedic Medicine

Information About Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine, also known as ayurveda, is an ancient medicinal system in India. It is based on cosmic principles of interconnectedness and the balance between body and mind. Ayurveda treatment takes a holistic approach to treatment that is unique for each patient.
Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies - Cure Bladder Infection With These Natural Health Secrets

Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies - Cure Bladder Infection With These Natural Health Secrets

Did you know that millions of people choose to cure their bladder infection with simple urinary tract infection home remedies?Here are 5 natural health secrets that could help cure your bladder infect
Home Remedies for Yeast Infections That are Very Effective

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections That are Very Effective

For those of you who are open to alternative medicine, home remedies for yeast infections is worthwhile checking out.
Natural Remedy for Depression: Five Best Ways to Beat the Blues

Natural Remedy for Depression: Five Best Ways to Beat the Blues

A natural remedy for depression is typically overlooked in favor of pharmaceutical remedies. Advancements in psychotherapy is linked to depressed patients being dispensed prescription drugs to help th
13 Effective Ways To Cure Male Infertility

13 Effective Ways To Cure Male Infertility

Male infertility may be defined as a man's incapacity to impregnate his fertile female partner. It is of 2 types: primary and secondary. If the man has never been able to impregnate his female partner, ...
Enhanced Eyesight Using Acupuncture

Enhanced Eyesight Using Acupuncture

After we get old, we go through different changes. The outer skin get's dry, our muscles become weak which we all experience different conditions like getting blurred eyesight. Blurred vision is not new inside our ...
Natural Remedy For Treating Hangover, Hay Fever and Jet Lag

Natural Remedy For Treating Hangover, Hay Fever and Jet Lag

Natural remedies are simple, easy to try and have no harmful effects. Problems like hangover, hay fever and jet lag can be easily treated using natural remedies. This article discusses how aromatherapy can be helpful in treating hangover, hay fever and jet lag.
A Spa Can Work to Get a Person to Fall Asleep

A Spa Can Work to Get a Person to Fall Asleep

There are a number of different sleep disorders that can cause a person to have a hard time getting to sleep. These are sleep disorders that can easily impact a person's life. However, a spa can be used to help with taking care of one of these disorders. Soaking in a spa to get to sleep can be
How To Remove Uric Acid From Blood And Get Rid Of Gout Naturally

How To Remove Uric Acid From Blood And Get Rid Of Gout Naturally

Wondering how to remove uric acid from blood naturally? Then you've come to the right place. Here, you'll discover how to reduce uric acid using 3 simple gout home remedies.
How Can I Strengthen My Weak Immune System Naturally?

How Can I Strengthen My Weak Immune System Naturally?

Do you have a weak immune system? Do you think about boosting it up? Do you need supplements just like revival capsules for it? Well, you don't have to rely much on medications, as you ...
Fever And Runny Nose - Let The Nature Help You Deal With Them (Part 2)

Fever And Runny Nose - Let The Nature Help You Deal With Them (Part 2)

Runny nose and fever might be very unpleasant. Therefore, you should take some action to stop the diseases as soon as possible. The article deals with simple natural remedies to treat runny nose, hay fever and fever.