Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

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Panhandle Mental Health Centers of Scottsbluff NE

Panhandle Mental Health Centers of Scottsbluff NE

Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Panhandle Mental Health Centers of Scottsbluff NE
Overcoming Addictions With Brain Entrainment Technology

Overcoming Addictions With Brain Entrainment Technology

This article provides advice on overcoming addictions through the use of binaural beats - a form of brain entrainment audio-technology. While I focus mainly on quitting smoking, the instructions provi
Support Systems Homes of Campbell CA

Support Systems Homes of Campbell CA

Substances abuse services offered by Support Systems Homes of Campbell CA.
Buffalo General Healthcare System of Lancaster NY

Buffalo General Healthcare System of Lancaster NY

Substance abuse treatment services offered by Buffalo General Healthcare System of Lancaster NY
How To Choose Best Drug Rehab Centers For Boys

How To Choose Best Drug Rehab Centers For Boys

A drug can in any foam such as solid, liquid or gas. Drugs bring physical and psychological modification in the body. The illegal chemicals of most concern to the society are those that influence the central nervous system.
Treatment Associates of McAllen of McAllen TX

Treatment Associates of McAllen of McAllen TX

Substance abuse treatment services offered by Treatment Associates of McAllen of McAllen TX
Nicotine Addiction Increases The Risk Of Thyroid Diseases!

Nicotine Addiction Increases The Risk Of Thyroid Diseases!

If you are a chronic smoker and unable to live without cigarettes, then sooner or later you may fall prey to thyroid diseases. Thyroid diseases are of two kinds: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. If you are ...
Going to Rehab Or Detox? 3 Tips to Help You Choose the Right One

Going to Rehab Or Detox? 3 Tips to Help You Choose the Right One

One out of every 4 people will either need rehab or knows someone that will. When you need help, how can you be sure to choose the right one?
Pilsen Little Village Community of Stone Park IL

Pilsen Little Village Community of Stone Park IL

Mix of mental health and substance abuse services offered by Pilsen Little Village Community of Stone Park IL
Chronic Addiction to Temazepam

Chronic Addiction to Temazepam

Benzodiazepines are drugs used as medications for several illnesses and behavioral difficulties such as the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures. Though ...
Joshua House of Costa Mesa CA

Joshua House of Costa Mesa CA

Substances abuse services offered by Joshua House of Costa Mesa CA.
Smokeless Cigarette - Enjoy Yourself Of Smoking In All Places Without Getting Guilty

Smokeless Cigarette - Enjoy Yourself Of Smoking In All Places Without Getting Guilty

The electric cigarette is innovated in order to save the adolescents through the harmful effects of smoking traditional cigarettes.
Crossings Recovery Centers of West Hempstead NY

Crossings Recovery Centers of West Hempstead NY

Substance abuse treatment services offered by Crossings Recovery Centers of West Hempstead NY
10 Super Foods That Lower Cholesterol (Plus Recipes)

10 Super Foods That Lower Cholesterol (Plus Recipes)

Diet and lifestyle changes can help reduce your cholesterol levels. These foods have been shown to reduce cholesterol.
Common Effects From Smoking Salvia

Common Effects From Smoking Salvia

The effects of smoking Salvia differs from person to person. The only thing common is that it transports them to a certain kind of “high”. In the olden days, this herb is used by shamans for divine healing.
Some Effective Tools For Your Quit Smoking Campaign!

Some Effective Tools For Your Quit Smoking Campaign!

Smoking tobacco products is widely recognised as one of the most life-threatening and habit-forming habits an individual can practice. The entertainment industry for as indeterminable time related smoking with being fashionable and "trendy" and this has ultimately "legitimatised"
Why Is Quitting Cold Turkey So Hard?

Why Is Quitting Cold Turkey So Hard?

Many people say that quitting cold turkey is one of the most difficult ways to quit smoking. They may be right, but not for the reasons that they think.
Fear, the Motivation of Addiction?

Fear, the Motivation of Addiction?

The author addresses the commonality of fear as a motivator for drug use, among the Addictive demographic of our society.
Managing Prescription Medication for Recovering Addicts - Part 1

Managing Prescription Medication for Recovering Addicts - Part 1

Since so many substances carry the risk of addiction, needing medication can be seriously dangerous for recovering addicts. This problem first appears during rehab patients' five to fourteen-day detoxifications, when pharmaceuticals are often required to ease the symptoms of withdrawal. As addi
How To Quit Smoking Gradually - This Is How To Overcome The Nicotine Addiction Gradually!

How To Quit Smoking Gradually - This Is How To Overcome The Nicotine Addiction Gradually!

Nicotine is an organic compound present naturally in the tobacco plant. It is found in every part of the plant and especially in the leaves. The term "nicotine" comes from the physician Jean Nicot. Nicotine is a substance identified as a drug and for this reason it is addictive and stoppin