Overcoming Addictions With Brain Entrainment Technology
This article provides advice on overcoming addictions through the use of binaural beats - a form of brain entrainment audio-technology. While I focus mainly on quitting smoking, the instructions provided can be tailored to any form of addiction.
An addiction of any kind can have a debilitating effect on an individual. It can sometimes feel as though your body and mind have a life of their own, and that you are constantly forced to submit to their cravings. It is a vicious cycle, but the first step is to realise that it can be overcome.
Of course, this is easier said than done. In the case of smoking, many people dread to think of a time when they are without their cigarettes, and this foresight prevents them from taking the plunge into non-smoking territory. They therefore immediately fall back on their habit, seemingly happy to put their health at risk in return for nicotine-addled gratification.
A variety of replacement therapies exist on the market to help quit, but they only provide a method of coping with the cravings, rather than focusing on the psychological element of the addiction. The body has a craving for nicotine (or any other substance), but whilst the mind acknowledges the fact that it is harmful, it still gives in to the temptation. How do we fortify our psychological resistance to these pangs?
Brain entrainment provides the opportunity to get to the root of the addiction, thus effectively 'nipping it in the bud'. It provides the basis for intense visualisation, which you can use to rewire your brain and create positive change.
One possible visualisation exercise you can try after the binaural beat frequencies have stilled your mind is the following:
Imagine a plant which personifies your addiction. See it rooted in the earth - what does it look/smell like? How does it make you feel? Do you notice any sensations arising within your body? After several minutes of visualisation, tear it out of the ground. See a new plant sprout in its place. Again, what does it look/smell/feel like? Do the aforementioned bodily sensations persist or dissipate?
What the above visualisation does is to formulate the desire into an abstract concept, so that it can take root within the subconscious mind. Try scripting your own visualisations; play around with different images, and find out what works best. The more senses you can incorporate into the exercise the better. Imagine being totally free of your addiction, and in perfect health.
The purpose of the brain entrainment is to make your mind more sensitive to suggestion, thus providing a gateway to your subconscious mind, the nature of which determines our habits in everyday life.
An addiction of any kind can have a debilitating effect on an individual. It can sometimes feel as though your body and mind have a life of their own, and that you are constantly forced to submit to their cravings. It is a vicious cycle, but the first step is to realise that it can be overcome.
Of course, this is easier said than done. In the case of smoking, many people dread to think of a time when they are without their cigarettes, and this foresight prevents them from taking the plunge into non-smoking territory. They therefore immediately fall back on their habit, seemingly happy to put their health at risk in return for nicotine-addled gratification.
A variety of replacement therapies exist on the market to help quit, but they only provide a method of coping with the cravings, rather than focusing on the psychological element of the addiction. The body has a craving for nicotine (or any other substance), but whilst the mind acknowledges the fact that it is harmful, it still gives in to the temptation. How do we fortify our psychological resistance to these pangs?
Brain entrainment provides the opportunity to get to the root of the addiction, thus effectively 'nipping it in the bud'. It provides the basis for intense visualisation, which you can use to rewire your brain and create positive change.
One possible visualisation exercise you can try after the binaural beat frequencies have stilled your mind is the following:
Imagine a plant which personifies your addiction. See it rooted in the earth - what does it look/smell like? How does it make you feel? Do you notice any sensations arising within your body? After several minutes of visualisation, tear it out of the ground. See a new plant sprout in its place. Again, what does it look/smell/feel like? Do the aforementioned bodily sensations persist or dissipate?
What the above visualisation does is to formulate the desire into an abstract concept, so that it can take root within the subconscious mind. Try scripting your own visualisations; play around with different images, and find out what works best. The more senses you can incorporate into the exercise the better. Imagine being totally free of your addiction, and in perfect health.
The purpose of the brain entrainment is to make your mind more sensitive to suggestion, thus providing a gateway to your subconscious mind, the nature of which determines our habits in everyday life.