Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Why Is Quitting Cold Turkey So Hard?

Many people say that quitting cold turkey is one of the most difficult ways to quit smoking. They may be right, but not for the reasons that they think.

A lot of what factors into successfully quitting smoking is attitude. If you think from the beginning that it won't work, chances are that it's going to fail. If you've tried to quit before, think back to when it stopped working: when you told yourself that you'd tried going about it wrong, or that just one cigarette wasn't going to really hurt.

Nothing changed except your attitude. The physical withdrawal that everybody complains about didn't get any worse or better, you just made a conscious decision that you weren't going to keep working on this quitting thing.

This is the main reason why quitting cold turkey is considered hard: because people get into it thinking that it's hard, so as soon as it gets a little difficult, they use that as an excuse to give up.

Don't feel that this reflects poorly on you though, this is the same reason why so many thousands of other people have failed at quitting cold turkey.

The trick to quitting cold turkey without any problems is to go into it with the mindset that, hey, this is going to be outrageously easy. You have to know that you're going to succeed before you even start. This isn't as difficult as it seems. There are a number of guides available online to show you how to do this.

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