AIDS & HIV : Health & Medical

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Routine HIV Testing Within the ED of a Major Trauma Centre

Routine HIV Testing Within the ED of a Major Trauma Centre

Should HIV testing be routine for every patient in the emergency department?
Cancers Attributable to Infections Among Adults With HIV

Cancers Attributable to Infections Among Adults With HIV

What is the prevalence of cancer attributable to infection in HIV-infected people?
What Did HIV Clinicians Read on Medscape in 2011?

What Did HIV Clinicians Read on Medscape in 2011?

What content did your HIV colleagues find most compelling on Medscape in 2011? Learn here!
Using the Web for HIV Partner Notification

Using the Web for HIV Partner Notification

When HIV or STD exposure has occurred, people exposed must be notified so they can be tested and treated if necessary. HIV partner notification is a huge part of preventing HIV transmission. Telling someone you may have exposed them to a HIV or STDs is difficult. However, the Web can be a very power
The U.S. HIV Epidemic Suggests an Emergency

The U.S. HIV Epidemic Suggests an Emergency

The latest nationwide data illustrate the need for much greater effort across the spectrum of care for HIV/AIDS.
How Often Do HIV Symptoms Appear After an Infection?

How Often Do HIV Symptoms Appear After an Infection?

After someone is infected with HIV, symptoms occur in three stages. The time between the first and second symptomatic stages of HIV is a number of years, while symptoms occur more frequently as HIV disease advances. HIV disease also has a long stage in which there are no symptoms at all.
Top 10 HIV and AIDS Myths

Top 10 HIV and AIDS Myths

There are many HIV and AIDS myths out there. HIV and AIDS myths are dangerous and contribute to prejudice and stigma. Let's dispel the HIV and AIDS myths with this list of the top ten HIV and AIDS related myths.
Top 5 Facts Teens Should Know About HIV and AIDS

Top 5 Facts Teens Should Know About HIV and AIDS

Teens often feel indestructible; feel that nothing can hurt them. The thought of HIV and teens just doesn't go together in the minds of some. But HIV can be a problem for teens. There are so many misconceptions surrounding HIV and AIDS; myth and misunderstanding fueled by the media, by fear, an
Improving Retention in Care and Quality of Life in HIV

Improving Retention in Care and Quality of Life in HIV

Dr Benjamin Young discusses the issue of patients lost during follow-up, as well as the long-term disability of aging with HIV.
ZDV/3TC for Pregnant Woman With Low HIV Viral Load?

ZDV/3TC for Pregnant Woman With Low HIV Viral Load?

Is it really necessary to use a third agent in a treatment-naive pregnant woman with a low baseline viral load?
The Best Ways to Test for HIV

The Best Ways to Test for HIV

There are a number of approved methods for testing for HIV, either by detecting antibodies to the virus or by directly detecting the virus' genetic code. HIV testing is done in two steps; the first test is normally an enzyme immunoassay (EIA or ELISA), while a positive initial result triggers a more
Resistance to Antiretroviral Agents

Resistance to Antiretroviral Agents

Monitoring newly infected patients for HIV-1 resistance to antiretroviral agents is important for the assessment of optimal treatment for the individual as well as for the public health considerations.
HIV Stigma, Isolation, Discrimination, and Disclosure

HIV Stigma, Isolation, Discrimination, and Disclosure

What are the perceptions of HIV-related stigma among HIV-infected individuals?
HIV Post-Exposure Guidelines for Healthcare Personnel

HIV Post-Exposure Guidelines for Healthcare Personnel

In 2013, the U.S. Public Health Service updated the guidelines for the use of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in occupational exposure to HIV.
Information about HIV and AIDS for Kids

Information about HIV and AIDS for Kids

HIV/AIDS is a major health problem that affects people all around the world. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, while AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. HIV causes AIDS.
ACTG 5095: Triple Nucleosides Redux

ACTG 5095: Triple Nucleosides Redux

The appeal of triple-NRTI therapy with fixed-dose AZT + 3TC + abacavir is its simplicity.
What Can You Do to Prepare for a Flu Pandemic?

What Can You Do to Prepare for a Flu Pandemic?

If a flu pandemic is possible, what can you do to be prepared? How should you be preparing for a flu pandemic.
What Men Who Use the Internet to Seek Sex With Men Want, HIV Prevention

What Men Who Use the Internet to Seek Sex With Men Want, HIV Prevention

Learn why interventions to re-engage men engaging in high risk and HIV + MISM should be considered.
Who Should Be Taking PrEP Now?

Who Should Be Taking PrEP Now?

U.S. Public Health Service released updated guidelines calling for the daily use of PrEP in the HIV-negative persons at substantial risk of infection.