Basic HIV Precautions
- The use of disposable syringes helps to avoid the spread of many viruses, including HIV.syringe image by Zbigniew Nowak from
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the cells of our immune system, causing AIDS. It is transmitted through blood, sexual contact and from a pregnant mother to her unborn child. Although there is not yet a cure for AIDS, the disease can be prevented through simple measures. According to the international AIDS charity organization, Avert: In 2008, there were as many as 33.4 million people in the world living with HIV. More than 65 percent of these people live in sub-Saharan Africa. - HIV is transmitted through fluids during sexual contact. According to Avert, the best ways of reducing the risk to this kind of contamination is to abstain from sex, reduce the number of sexual partners and always use male or female condoms correctly. A recent review of 14 studies published by the World Health Organization concluded that the use of condoms led to an 80% decrease in HIV incidence.
- A pregnant woman infected with HIV can transmit the virus to her baby during pregnancy, labour and delivery. She can also infect the baby later through breastfeeding, reports Avert. In this case, women can avoid transmission by preventing pregnancy. However, in case of an unwanted pregnancy, an infected woman can take antiretroviral drugs, medication that the newborn child will also take, thus reducing the chances of infection to the newborn. According to Avert, a single dose of treatment is able to reduce the risk of transmission by half. If possible, a caesarean section delivery may also reduce risks of transferring HIV to a newborn.
- HIV is not the only dangerous virus transmitted through blood, so people need to take precautions when helping others who are bleeding, advises Also, never use a syringe that has been used by another person. Health care workers exposed to blood must protect the skin, especially if there are any open cuts. These professionals must act as if every patient is infected, using gloves, aprons and face masks.