Health & Medical Healthy Living

Natural Cures for Mood Swings

    Phytoestrogen Herbs

    • Dong Quai is one plant used to treat mood swings.Siri Stafford/Lifesize/Getty Images

      Mood swings can be treated by phytoestrogen herbal remedies. These have estrogen components which are produced by plants and are good for treating low hormone levels in women. These herbs include black cohosh and dong quai. The downside is that the body will produce less estrogen on its own with continued use. Red clover, black cohosh and damiana have also been shown to positively affect those suffering from mood swings.

    Non-Estrogen Herbs

    Adequate Nutrition

    • Adequate nutrition is imperative to good health and mood.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

      It is very important that a woman takes care of her nutritional needs. She must eat sufficient food to derive the vitamins and minerals she requires. Otherwise, she may suffer from mood swings. Amino acids, vitamins and minerals all play an important part in the overall health of women. If there are low levels of these in a diet, the nervous system does not function properly. Natural nutritional supplements can improve mood swings.

    Alternative Methods

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