Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Making a Customizable Diet

Sick of trying diets, diets and more diets without having any results at all? Well me too, and I don't know if I should try those "100% efficient diets" anymore.
The thing is that they promise you so much, that you begin fantasizing about all the positive aspects and make your own illusion.
Once you have fallen into lies claiming that they will get you those 8 pack abs, and lose all that weight you close your mind and ignore all products that claim the same thing or even further beyond if that's possible.
You either ignore, or get attracted to that idea again (you probably do some research too about that product) and fall again.
Why don't we stop for a second? Let's consider all the facts that are essential contributing factors in which they involve losing weight, burning fat and get into a much better figure.
First of all, sugar is your primary enemy.
Foods like muffins, granola, whole wheat bread and even cereal and orange juice break down into sugar once they hit your system, but why should I worry about sugar? You may ask.
Well it is very simple, it's all part of your blood sugar level.
NO, this is not something diabetics should worry about, but you too! If your sugar level it's too high, you body will go into weight gain mode, and store all kinds of fats.
The result of this, is that your body will release a hormone called insulin and having too much of this will make you hungry again and going into starvation mode.
Going into complete starvation isn't going to solve a thing.
In fact, it's making it WORSE.
You hear this? Not eating will not make you lose weight.
This is what happens; when you don't eat your body goes into starvation mode...
meaning that your own body will hold onto that fat because it thinks you are dying from starvation; so not eating is not the answer...
Interesting huh? I bet you have tried this, and probably didn't get any results...
when I found out about this I thought "oh wow, that makes sense now" Another misconception we all have is that fats in general are EVIL! Well, they are NOT! We have to know what kinds of fat are good for us.
In fact, getting the right amounts of fat will burn an incredible amount of unnecessary fat...
this is probably the #1 fact you should know, so remember this because THIS IS IMPORTANT.
It is impossible to lose weight without gaining fat first.
You are probably thinking "what are you saying? You are nuts! So...
" YES! Fat Does NOT make you fat! Eat the good kinds of fat, and you will burn body fat.
Eat the bad kinds of fat, and you will store body fat.
But which kinds of fat are good/bad for us? items such as hydrogenated oil (whipped cream), canola oil, margarine, and even those butter substitute that you always see on TV that claim that they are healthy and taste exactly like butter...
they are ALL bad for you! Try some real butter instead, and whole eggs, and coconut oil, and olive oil, and avocados, and raw nuts..
the list goes on and on.
So the good kinds of fat are not super rare food; you see them all around.
Now let's talk about processed foods.
They contain lots of sugar and many harmful chemicals.
Who is the most affected by this? But why, your happy liver.
Think of the liver like this, when it comes to its main jobs, they are breaking down fats and filtering harmful substances.
But when you eat processed foods, your liver freaks out, and does not work properly.
Think of it like having two jobs at the same time.
How would you work if you have twice the amount of work to do? Probably not the greatest work ever done...
so give your liver a break.
What are these processed foods? You see them all around.
They are artificial sweeteners (Sweet Low, Equal, Splenda, etc.
), high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, processed soy products...
you may be amazed that even some yogurts contain processed foods.
Ha ha, you may feel that you are not safe anymore.
I am probably describing all kinds of food you eat on an everyday basis.
Most likely you are like " wow, you have described so much bad food that probably the best bet is not to eat at all" Hey! Remember we don't want to go into starvation mode;) With this information, perhaps you are good to go, but if you are willing to learn more, so you get the right kinds of fat in your system a really good expert is Isabel De Los Rios...
she's a nutritionist and author of the book the diet solution program.
What's funny is that I have found that this is actually not a diet; you decide what to eat, and whenever you eat because hey, it is a customizable diet after all right? All of this information and much more are found in her guide, and also you can see some features on her website.
It is called the Diet Solution Program.
Her guide contains exactly what to eat, exactly when to eat, how much you should eat, and what to avoid too.
Look her up on Google or YouTube; she is a real person lol.
By now, you have learned a lot about what you shouldn't eat (bad food, very bad food!) It's not impossible; you don't need to exercise 24/7; your best bet is to minimize all the bad stuff that is going in because seriously even though you may exercise and eating bad food...
I mean come on, you are not doing any improvement.
! I hope this have been of any help, and I really want to share this information, with you so YOU can be a better YOU.

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