I Want To Lose Weight Fast But Not By Following Ridiculous Diet Fads
"I want to lose weight," "I want to get slim," "I want to have a figure like so-and-so celebrity.
" These seem to be the general cries echoed by an overwhelming number of people from all over the world.
And, it is not common for all these people to fall prey to some diet program (read fad) that is being offered by one celebrity or another.
However, what most people do not stop to think about is how many of these celebrities can claim to have any form of nutritional training.
Most of us are swayed by the fact that these celebrities are drop dead good-looking and they have a figure that we can only dream of.
That seems to give instant credibility to what they say.
We think - "Hell, if he/she looks like that then surely, the diet must work.
" But just because you have a great figure doesn't mean you know about food, nutrition, physiology, muscle-building, and holistic weight loss.
Losing weight is a lot more complicated than simply advocating a certain diet fad.
There are various factors at play here that only an expert can take into account.
Most nutrition experts will tell you that several of these diet fads endorsed by celebrities are based on nothing more than nutritional fiction and half-baked truths.
Some assist in short-term weight loss but the moment you are back to your regular diet, you find yourself putting on weight at an alarming rate.
Now, take for instance the cabbage soup diet.
Simply put, you survive on a diet of as much cabbage soup as you can possibly have in a day.
Not only is this fad ridiculous, impractical, and unappetizing, it can also be quite dangerous.
To begin with, it hasn't been endorsed by any of the leading health organizations.
In fact, the American Heart Association has actually disapproved this diet, saying that it does more harm to your body than good.
Does this cabbage soup help you lose weight? Of course, it does, but most of this weight you lose is actually water weight, not fat.
Besides, this diet fad also has side effects such as stomach pains, weakness, and diarrhea.
You didn't know that now, did you? I need to make it clear that I am not making a blanket dismissal of all diet plans out there.
If you have to choose something then go for a diet plan that has been formulated by a diet specialist, a professional body builder, or a nutritional expert.
What I am saying is that trust people who know what they are talking about, not those who capitalize on their celebrity status and great figure to manipulate you.
Don't allow yourself to be taken for a ride by people who are more interested in selling diet fads and making money.
So, the next time you tell yourself, "I want to lose weight" make sure you add "sensibly and intelligently" at the end of the sentence.
That is the right way; that is the only way.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.
" These seem to be the general cries echoed by an overwhelming number of people from all over the world.
And, it is not common for all these people to fall prey to some diet program (read fad) that is being offered by one celebrity or another.
However, what most people do not stop to think about is how many of these celebrities can claim to have any form of nutritional training.
Most of us are swayed by the fact that these celebrities are drop dead good-looking and they have a figure that we can only dream of.
That seems to give instant credibility to what they say.
We think - "Hell, if he/she looks like that then surely, the diet must work.
" But just because you have a great figure doesn't mean you know about food, nutrition, physiology, muscle-building, and holistic weight loss.
Losing weight is a lot more complicated than simply advocating a certain diet fad.
There are various factors at play here that only an expert can take into account.
Most nutrition experts will tell you that several of these diet fads endorsed by celebrities are based on nothing more than nutritional fiction and half-baked truths.
Some assist in short-term weight loss but the moment you are back to your regular diet, you find yourself putting on weight at an alarming rate.
Now, take for instance the cabbage soup diet.
Simply put, you survive on a diet of as much cabbage soup as you can possibly have in a day.
Not only is this fad ridiculous, impractical, and unappetizing, it can also be quite dangerous.
To begin with, it hasn't been endorsed by any of the leading health organizations.
In fact, the American Heart Association has actually disapproved this diet, saying that it does more harm to your body than good.
Does this cabbage soup help you lose weight? Of course, it does, but most of this weight you lose is actually water weight, not fat.
Besides, this diet fad also has side effects such as stomach pains, weakness, and diarrhea.
You didn't know that now, did you? I need to make it clear that I am not making a blanket dismissal of all diet plans out there.
If you have to choose something then go for a diet plan that has been formulated by a diet specialist, a professional body builder, or a nutritional expert.
What I am saying is that trust people who know what they are talking about, not those who capitalize on their celebrity status and great figure to manipulate you.
Don't allow yourself to be taken for a ride by people who are more interested in selling diet fads and making money.
So, the next time you tell yourself, "I want to lose weight" make sure you add "sensibly and intelligently" at the end of the sentence.
That is the right way; that is the only way.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.