Gumamela: Its Description and Medical Uses
Gumamela is a shrub that is highly cultivated as an ornamental plant in the Philippines. It is the local term used in the Philippines for Hibiscus, China Rose, and Shoeflower. This plant has a scientific name known as Hibiscus rosasinensis. Usually, this ornamental plant grows from one meter up to four meters high. Its flower may come in various colors similar to orange, white, pink, yellow, red, purple, and other color combinations.
Pertinently, gumamela flower, leaves, and roots are used as herbal medicine. This is due to the fact that this decorative shrub has numerous medical characteristics which include anti-infectious, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, diuretic, antipyretic, emollient, and refrigerant.
Parts of a Gumamela flower plant
• Petals
The flower usually consists of five petals which form a bell shape.
• Stigma
It holds the ovary of the flower and is located at the base of the Gumamela petals.
• Stamen
The stigma produces shoots called stamen that form tubular structures coming out of the base. The stamen comprises pollen at the tips.
• Leaves
Its leaves are egg-shaped and glossy green.
Description of Gumamela
• This plant is an erect, much-branched, smooth shrub, which is about one to four meters in height.
• Its leaves are glossy green, ovate, pointed, which extends its length to about seven to twelve centimeter.
• Its flowers are solitary, axillary, and quite huge which extends its length to about ten centimeters, and twelve centimeters in diameter. The petals are commonly red, orange, or pink, obovate, rounded tip, and imbricate. The stamens are in long and slender tube form enclosing the entire style of the pistil and protruding out of the corolla.
Medical Uses of Gumamela
Just like other plants, gumamela can be used as herbal treatments due to its medical characteristics. Here are some of its health benefits.
• Treatment for mumps and infection of the urinary tract
• Decoction of leaves for fevers
• Mucilage during labor
• Decoction of its leaves, flowers, and roots used as emollient.
• The leaves are utilized as mild laxatives
• Crushed fresh leaves are used for treating carbuncles and boils
• An infusion of leaves or poultice of the leaves are applied for relieving headaches
• It can be used as hair growth stimulant by mixing the juice of its fresh petals and olive oil
• The seeds are used as stimulants and as cramps reliever
• Infusions of leaves are utilized as an expectorant in bronchitis.
• Treatments for cough and sore throat
• Prevents constipation
• In some countries, like Venezuela, it is used for treating tumors.
You can use dried or the fresh gumamela plant in preparing and utilizing this shrub as an herbal medicine.
Pertinently, gumamela flower, leaves, and roots are used as herbal medicine. This is due to the fact that this decorative shrub has numerous medical characteristics which include anti-infectious, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, diuretic, antipyretic, emollient, and refrigerant.
Parts of a Gumamela flower plant
• Petals
The flower usually consists of five petals which form a bell shape.
• Stigma
It holds the ovary of the flower and is located at the base of the Gumamela petals.
• Stamen
The stigma produces shoots called stamen that form tubular structures coming out of the base. The stamen comprises pollen at the tips.
• Leaves
Its leaves are egg-shaped and glossy green.
Description of Gumamela
• This plant is an erect, much-branched, smooth shrub, which is about one to four meters in height.
• Its leaves are glossy green, ovate, pointed, which extends its length to about seven to twelve centimeter.
• Its flowers are solitary, axillary, and quite huge which extends its length to about ten centimeters, and twelve centimeters in diameter. The petals are commonly red, orange, or pink, obovate, rounded tip, and imbricate. The stamens are in long and slender tube form enclosing the entire style of the pistil and protruding out of the corolla.
Medical Uses of Gumamela
Just like other plants, gumamela can be used as herbal treatments due to its medical characteristics. Here are some of its health benefits.
• Treatment for mumps and infection of the urinary tract
• Decoction of leaves for fevers
• Mucilage during labor
• Decoction of its leaves, flowers, and roots used as emollient.
• The leaves are utilized as mild laxatives
• Crushed fresh leaves are used for treating carbuncles and boils
• An infusion of leaves or poultice of the leaves are applied for relieving headaches
• It can be used as hair growth stimulant by mixing the juice of its fresh petals and olive oil
• The seeds are used as stimulants and as cramps reliever
• Infusions of leaves are utilized as an expectorant in bronchitis.
• Treatments for cough and sore throat
• Prevents constipation
• In some countries, like Venezuela, it is used for treating tumors.
You can use dried or the fresh gumamela plant in preparing and utilizing this shrub as an herbal medicine.