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Tips on Hanging Borders

    Prepare the Wall

    • If you've ever scraped wallpaper off a wall in one-inch pieces, then you've suffered because someone failed to prepare the wall and used a non-strippable paper. A good wallpaper primer will help the wallpaper adhere to the wall, but will prevent it from becoming one with the sheet rock. It might not sound important now, but sooner or later, you will want to redecorate, and a wallpaper primer usually allows you to pull the border off in large sections rather than tiny pieces.

    Roll It in

    • Select a pre-pasted border. If you plan to hang your wallpaper from left to right, unravel the border and roll it exactly the opposite of how it was packaged. Fill a large plastic container halfway with water and place the rolled border on the side opposite from you. Unroll the border until it reaches the container and submerge it in the water. Use one hand to hold the border under water, while using the other hand to pull the border through the container. Pause occasionally to twist the wet border back into a roll. If you have a helper, one person can hold the border in the container while the other person pulls and rolls.

      When the entire border is wet and rolled, it is ready to hang. Because you rolled the border in the opposite direction before wetting, the rolled border is now perfectly set to roll directly on the wall.

    The Starting Place

    • If the border will circle the entire room, start in a corner that is not a focal point. The likelihood of the border pattern matching exactly at the very end is slim, so make sure the unmatched spot is the least likely to catch someone's eye. A good place is usually right above door frames.

    Roll It on

    • Place the border slightly below the ceiling and make sure it's fitted well into the corner. Do not place the border directly against the ceiling as the ceiling may dip at some point in the room and the border would then lie on the ceiling rather than the wall. When you have your initial piece set, simply unroll the border along the wall, pressing it firmly with your hand or a sponge as you go. For added speed, line chairs against the wall, so you can step across them and unroll an entire border piece without stopping.

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