The Top Five Main Causes of House Fires
- Cooking a meal in a house is the number one cause of house fires, according to the CDC. Always keep a close eye on food that is cooking since food that overcooks will eventually catch fire. If the food you are cooking on the stove catches fire, moving the pot or pan may actually spread the fire further since you can slosh grease or the food out onto the stovetop, counter or floor. One of the best actions to take if the food you are cooking catches fire is to turn off the heat source, and cover up the food with a metal lid, if possible, cutting off the oxygen supply to the fire.
- Furnaces, space heaters, fireplaces and other sources of heat for your home come in second for house fires. You can prevent a fire by having your furnace serviced regularly and switching out the air filters regularly, cleaning your chimney every year and using space heaters in only the ways prescribed by the manufacturer. Using a heater to dry out clothing or shoes can also lead to a fire, so air dry clothing instead.
- Cigarettes and cigars burn extremely hot, and they can stay that way for hours after you finish smoking them. Deep ashtrays help keep the embers from any objects they can ignite. Avoid smoking near beds or couches since they can easily catch fire. Smoking while drowsy, drinking heavily or using medication that makes you drowsy can lead to your dropping a cigarette and starting a fire. Smoking is the leading cause of deaths related to fires, according to the CDC.
- Bad wiring in a home can lead to arcing or an exposed wire coming into contact with a wall stud or insulation, causing a fire. If you are concerned about your house's wiring, hire an electrician to perform an inspection and fix any potential dangers. The electrical appliances in your house should not have damaged power cords. Abusing extension cords, running them under rugs or attaching too many devices to them will also lead to fires.
- While candles may look nice and create a certain feel for a special occasion, they also provide a potential source of house fires. Candles need to be used with a holder that will keep them upright at all times, and you need to put the holder on a steady surface. Being aware of the location of the candles in your house will help you not to knock any over accidentally. Never leave a candle burning when you are not there to watch it since it can start a fire without your knowledge.