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Fact and Fiction - Baby Gender Predictor

Over the years there has been an issue that many expectant families are interested in.
What is my baby's gender? Over the years there have been people who use a baby gender predictor to find out if their child was going to be a boy or a girl.
These aren't always the most reliable, but the law of averages does make them right sometimes.
Many of these fall into the category of old wives tales, and almost every woman hears them at some point during their pregnancy.
One of the most prevalent baby gender predictor is the question are you carrying the baby high or low.
It is usually said that if you are carrying your child low then your child will be a boy, but if you are carrying it high, then it will be a girl.
However, this is not true.
The way you carry your baby is dependent on muscle tone.
There is also the belief that if your husband gains weight while you are pregnant then you will have a girl, but science has long since proved this one untrue.
Many people believe that an accurate predictor is the flavor of the things that you crave during your pregnancy.
For instance, If you are craving sweet things (sugar, spice and everything nice!) you are child will be a girl, but if you crave sour things like pickles then you will have a boy.
This is also a belief that is not true.
Some people still take these things to heart however, and you can find baby gender predictor tools on the internet that ask questions concerning these old wives tales.
They then take the answers to your questions and determine whether your child is a boy or a girl.
These can be fun for you and your husband to do, but they just aren't accurate.
The Chinese used a type of birth chart to predict the gender of their children.
Many people still use these today as there are types of software that can be downloaded to your computer or even your cellular phone.
These have proven to be more accurate than other methods but still have flaws in them.
The best real baby gender predictor is to have an ultrasound.
This is when you go to someone who specializes in this and they use a device that emits a high frequency sound that cannot be heard into the uterus.
This is harmless and recommended by doctors for all parents.
This sound is then reflected back where the machine interprets the sounds and displays them in the form of a picture.
This picture of the child can then be used to determine its sex.
Ultrasounds can also used to see other things about the child as well.
It can be a rewarding experience for both parents.
However there are people who choose not to know their child's sex because they want to be surprised.
This is old fashioned but many couples like the buildup to the reveal.

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