Freedom Under Fire
I had originally intended to write a different article concerning the AIG bonus payout issue.
However, as the facts began to surface, I saw that the issue wasn't really about the payout but rather, about a congressional cover-up.
I spent days watching the congressional hearings, scouring the net, reading biographies and studying historical records about similar issues.
I came to the conclusion that this AIG issue just wasn't a big deal.
What IS a big deal are the unconscionable and irresponsible actions of the Congress and the Obama Administration.
Those of you who are in constant email contact with me know that I am not a person who trusts the actions of the government.
I am quite convinced that the government is engaged in a deliberate and malicious campaign to seize power from the people in order to further the political and economic goals of a few organizations.
I don't believe there is a conspiracy to bring the United States into the folds of the UN to force a one world government.
The evidence to support such an argument just isn't there.
But, the idea that the government is engaged in a nefarious plan to grab power and control the People is something I believe there is sufficient evidence to support.
I have stated before, and I will state again, I believe it is inevitable that eventually the world will come together under one governing system.
This will not happen in my lifetime and likely not in the lifetime of my children.
However, after that, as far as I am concerned, all bets are off.
It is my opinion that if this one world governing system is inevitable, the people of the Free World have a responsibility to ensure that the system is one that supports Freedom and Liberty for all the people of the world.
The best way we can ensure that this happens is to keep Freedom and Liberty a viable and working system in the United States, the LAST country where we still believe in such concepts.
To this end, the only responsible action for Freedom lovers to take it to elect honest men and women to public offices.
Not just the Federal offices but on the local and state level as well (read my articles on Oregon and Connecticut).
It is incumbent upon responsible Americans to ensure that we elect officials who are able to demonstrate an ability to maintain personal and professional integrity.
I heard one politician state on national TV that the companies who have accepted bailout money are having second thoughts because the government doesn't act professionally.
He wasn't shocked, he wasn't blaming anyone, he was just saying it as an accepted fact.
I have owned a small financial services business at one time in my life.
I can tell you this, NOBODY in my organization was allowed to behave in a manner that was not professional.
It is behavior that any organization expects of their employees.
What makes Congress think We The People will expect any less than that from them? Americans are currently the victims of fear.
The events of 9/11 made us all realize that we are no longer protected and isolated by our world's great oceans.
Terrorism is now a truly global threat.
We are afraid of these kinds of events happening within our borders again.
The part that most people are missing is...
are you ready for it...
IT IS HAPPENING STILL! Al Qeida and terror sleeper agents aren't to blame, though.
It is the fault of the American people! We have done it to ourselves.
We have elected untrustworthy people with zero integrity into public offices and then turned a blind eye to their activities.
Now, we have the nerve to be outraged when the results of our inactivity are having negative consequences.
Further, we have gotten into the habit of saying "There ought to be a law.
" Of course the government is always happy to pass another law restricting Freedom.
As a nation, we are broke.
This is a result of more than two decades of allowing Congress to pass laws that have made it all happen.
Nobody stood up and said, "Hey wait, we can't allow you to pass a law that lets Freddy and Fannie give sub-prime mortgages to people who can't afford them.
" Nobody said, "Hey wait, we don't want you to pass a law that allows insurance agencies to trade these bad loans and inflate their value artificially.
" The House of Representatives just passed a law that will tax the bonus money paid out to the AIG employees at 90%.
This law violates the Constitution seven ways to Sunday.
Yet, how many of you are out there telling your Representatives, "Shame on you for violating the Constitution!" How many of you are out there demanding your Representative resign for voting to pass that law.
It is the fault of the American People if this all unravels in a manner that will adversely affect them.
If Americans are too complacent to stand up and protect their own sovereignty then they don't have the right to complain when things turn sour.
This is not to mitigate the behavior of the Congress.
They have all taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
By acting in a manner that is contrary to the Constitution, they have essentially declared war on the Constitution and by extension on the People of the United States.
This is an unacceptable situation and the People need to demand that this stops NOW.
Here is where things begin to get sticky.
The government has spent the last sixty or seventy years preparing for an insurrection by the people.
There are many detention facilities that have been set up in the last dozen years or so under the auspices of anti-terrorism by FEMA.
The charter of the DHS has defined terrorism as: "The term ''terrorism'' means any activity that- (A) involves an act that-...
(ii) is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States;" among other things.
This gives the DHS very broad power and authority.
If they have determined that certain people are a threat to the government, they can ask Congress to pass a law criminalizing that group.
Since Congress has already shown that they don't have any respect for the tenets of the Constitution, it will not be difficult for them to do so again; especially if they use the guise of "national security" or some such maneuver.
DHS can then immediately swoop in to collect those "insurrectionists" and detain them in their newly constructed detention facilities.
By the time the mess is straightened out in the courts, it will be too late.
Those people will have already lost everything.
Some of those people will have just simply disappeared.
By then it will be too late to do anything about it.
Once a moral line has been crossed, you can't uncross it.
For example, we can all agree that smoking can have negative health effects.
Morally, most people think this is an activity that should not be committed.
Once you have smoked your first cigarette, you are a smoker.
You can't unsmoke a cigarette.
It makes it easier to smoke a second then a third and so on until it becomes a habit and addiction.
On the surface, this is not a big deal.
But if you relate that analogy to the actions of Congress recently, they have just passed a law that is blatantly unconstitutional.
This is going to make it easier for them to do it again.
Eventually, it will become a matter of course; they don't like someone or some group so they pass a law criminalizing them.
Don't think this will happen? Take a look at what happened to the FLDS church last year.
So what can We The People do to stop this? Educate yourselves and stop listening to the talking heads on TV.
Write letters to your Representatives and Senators.
On Election Day, VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE! Vote for people who will support the Constitution and the People.
Support term limits to keep politicians from developing a power base.
Make it very clear that you are NOT going to accept the current behavior of elected officials.
Politics as usual cannot be accepted any longer.
It is up to you America.
You can keep blaming everyone else for the problems we are facing right now or you can stand up and take responsibility for your country.
It IS your country, not the government's country.
You are responsible for making it better.
You are responsible for bringing about the change you want.
You have the power to hold irresponsible companies accountable for their actions.
You have the authority to hold government officials responsible for their actions.
You can choose to exercise that power and authority or you can choose to do nothing and then cry foul when usurpers steal your Freedom.
Nothing less than Freedom is at stake.
If we allow Freedom to fail in America, then it will fail everywhere in the world.
What are YOU going to do?
However, as the facts began to surface, I saw that the issue wasn't really about the payout but rather, about a congressional cover-up.
I spent days watching the congressional hearings, scouring the net, reading biographies and studying historical records about similar issues.
I came to the conclusion that this AIG issue just wasn't a big deal.
What IS a big deal are the unconscionable and irresponsible actions of the Congress and the Obama Administration.
Those of you who are in constant email contact with me know that I am not a person who trusts the actions of the government.
I am quite convinced that the government is engaged in a deliberate and malicious campaign to seize power from the people in order to further the political and economic goals of a few organizations.
I don't believe there is a conspiracy to bring the United States into the folds of the UN to force a one world government.
The evidence to support such an argument just isn't there.
But, the idea that the government is engaged in a nefarious plan to grab power and control the People is something I believe there is sufficient evidence to support.
I have stated before, and I will state again, I believe it is inevitable that eventually the world will come together under one governing system.
This will not happen in my lifetime and likely not in the lifetime of my children.
However, after that, as far as I am concerned, all bets are off.
It is my opinion that if this one world governing system is inevitable, the people of the Free World have a responsibility to ensure that the system is one that supports Freedom and Liberty for all the people of the world.
The best way we can ensure that this happens is to keep Freedom and Liberty a viable and working system in the United States, the LAST country where we still believe in such concepts.
To this end, the only responsible action for Freedom lovers to take it to elect honest men and women to public offices.
Not just the Federal offices but on the local and state level as well (read my articles on Oregon and Connecticut).
It is incumbent upon responsible Americans to ensure that we elect officials who are able to demonstrate an ability to maintain personal and professional integrity.
I heard one politician state on national TV that the companies who have accepted bailout money are having second thoughts because the government doesn't act professionally.
He wasn't shocked, he wasn't blaming anyone, he was just saying it as an accepted fact.
I have owned a small financial services business at one time in my life.
I can tell you this, NOBODY in my organization was allowed to behave in a manner that was not professional.
It is behavior that any organization expects of their employees.
What makes Congress think We The People will expect any less than that from them? Americans are currently the victims of fear.
The events of 9/11 made us all realize that we are no longer protected and isolated by our world's great oceans.
Terrorism is now a truly global threat.
We are afraid of these kinds of events happening within our borders again.
The part that most people are missing is...
are you ready for it...
IT IS HAPPENING STILL! Al Qeida and terror sleeper agents aren't to blame, though.
It is the fault of the American people! We have done it to ourselves.
We have elected untrustworthy people with zero integrity into public offices and then turned a blind eye to their activities.
Now, we have the nerve to be outraged when the results of our inactivity are having negative consequences.
Further, we have gotten into the habit of saying "There ought to be a law.
" Of course the government is always happy to pass another law restricting Freedom.
As a nation, we are broke.
This is a result of more than two decades of allowing Congress to pass laws that have made it all happen.
Nobody stood up and said, "Hey wait, we can't allow you to pass a law that lets Freddy and Fannie give sub-prime mortgages to people who can't afford them.
" Nobody said, "Hey wait, we don't want you to pass a law that allows insurance agencies to trade these bad loans and inflate their value artificially.
" The House of Representatives just passed a law that will tax the bonus money paid out to the AIG employees at 90%.
This law violates the Constitution seven ways to Sunday.
Yet, how many of you are out there telling your Representatives, "Shame on you for violating the Constitution!" How many of you are out there demanding your Representative resign for voting to pass that law.
It is the fault of the American People if this all unravels in a manner that will adversely affect them.
If Americans are too complacent to stand up and protect their own sovereignty then they don't have the right to complain when things turn sour.
This is not to mitigate the behavior of the Congress.
They have all taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
By acting in a manner that is contrary to the Constitution, they have essentially declared war on the Constitution and by extension on the People of the United States.
This is an unacceptable situation and the People need to demand that this stops NOW.
Here is where things begin to get sticky.
The government has spent the last sixty or seventy years preparing for an insurrection by the people.
There are many detention facilities that have been set up in the last dozen years or so under the auspices of anti-terrorism by FEMA.
The charter of the DHS has defined terrorism as: "The term ''terrorism'' means any activity that- (A) involves an act that-...
(ii) is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States;" among other things.
This gives the DHS very broad power and authority.
If they have determined that certain people are a threat to the government, they can ask Congress to pass a law criminalizing that group.
Since Congress has already shown that they don't have any respect for the tenets of the Constitution, it will not be difficult for them to do so again; especially if they use the guise of "national security" or some such maneuver.
DHS can then immediately swoop in to collect those "insurrectionists" and detain them in their newly constructed detention facilities.
By the time the mess is straightened out in the courts, it will be too late.
Those people will have already lost everything.
Some of those people will have just simply disappeared.
By then it will be too late to do anything about it.
Once a moral line has been crossed, you can't uncross it.
For example, we can all agree that smoking can have negative health effects.
Morally, most people think this is an activity that should not be committed.
Once you have smoked your first cigarette, you are a smoker.
You can't unsmoke a cigarette.
It makes it easier to smoke a second then a third and so on until it becomes a habit and addiction.
On the surface, this is not a big deal.
But if you relate that analogy to the actions of Congress recently, they have just passed a law that is blatantly unconstitutional.
This is going to make it easier for them to do it again.
Eventually, it will become a matter of course; they don't like someone or some group so they pass a law criminalizing them.
Don't think this will happen? Take a look at what happened to the FLDS church last year.
So what can We The People do to stop this? Educate yourselves and stop listening to the talking heads on TV.
Write letters to your Representatives and Senators.
On Election Day, VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE! Vote for people who will support the Constitution and the People.
Support term limits to keep politicians from developing a power base.
Make it very clear that you are NOT going to accept the current behavior of elected officials.
Politics as usual cannot be accepted any longer.
It is up to you America.
You can keep blaming everyone else for the problems we are facing right now or you can stand up and take responsibility for your country.
It IS your country, not the government's country.
You are responsible for making it better.
You are responsible for bringing about the change you want.
You have the power to hold irresponsible companies accountable for their actions.
You have the authority to hold government officials responsible for their actions.
You can choose to exercise that power and authority or you can choose to do nothing and then cry foul when usurpers steal your Freedom.
Nothing less than Freedom is at stake.
If we allow Freedom to fail in America, then it will fail everywhere in the world.
What are YOU going to do?