Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Steam Clean Tool


    • A steam cleaner has different functions. It can be used to steam garments instead of ironing and to clean carpets, tile and grout.


    • The different attachments that come with the steam cleaner make it versatile. Usually, each attachment has a specific job.


    • For harder jobs, you can use the brushes. When cleaning carpets, these brushes will help get the dirt that is in deep.

    Windows/Tile Floor

    • The squeegee attachment is great for cleaning windows and tile floors. This attachment scrapes the dirt off the surface without having to touch it.


    • Most steam cleaners come with the basic attachments needed to clean or steam anything. Many attachments are versatile and can be used for different jobs, so use caution when purchasing other attachments; you might already have one that can do the job.

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