Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Working In Top Marketing Careers

The top marketing careers are those that allow you to make the best of your time and ambition. They are challenging and for people with a zest for problem solving and excellent communication skill, these top ten marketing careers are the best suited.


This is one of the fastest growing careers in marketing. If you have a good imagination and know the market inside out, then you could definitely opt for a marketing career in advertising. The main goal of this kind of job is to motivate people to buy your product or service.

Public Relations

This is another top field in big marketing careers. A PR Officer is required to represent a company and handle its reputation. He does this by good relations with the media and the clients. If at any point of time, the company does something that causes bad publicity, it is the duty of the PR Officer to take care of the dirt and shine the tarnished image back.

Market Research

This is probably one of the most important sectors of marketing. It is not possible to think of marketing without this sector. The basic work of marketing is done by market research. A market researcher evaluates why people would buy Company A"s products instead of Company B"s products.

For instance, they might study why some people go for one particular car instead of another company"s car. This is done through statistics, surveys, "new product analysis" and focus groups. Quantitative data is collected and analyzed to determine how to sell products better.

Brand/Product Marketing

One of the top marketing jobs is product marketing. The main job of a product manager is to map the development, advertising and marketing, growth and profit of a product line. A product manager has to organize promotional events for their products and services so that they get feedback from their customers so that the products are understood better.


This is another area of top marketing employment. It is similar to Product Marketing, except that they are strictly concerned with the promotions of various products and services only.


If you are talking of top marketing careers, then it is very difficult to write without mentioning retail. The last decade has been solely dedicated to the development of retail marketing. There are many sectors in this kind of marketing which include store management, buying, product promotions and merchandising.

Online Marketing

Websites play a very important role in retail marketing. One of the top retail marketing websites like eBay is an example of an online marketing site. They are good companies to build up careers.

Marketing Management

This kind of marketing career requires you to be in constant touch with your customers and map their changing tastes and preferences. This career is both challenging and rewarding.

Non Profit Organizations

The top marketing careers as mentioned above allow you to gain a lot of money and popularity. However if you want to make a difference to the community while you are at it, then this sector is meant for you. NGOs, hospitals, colleges and libraries fall under this sector.

Network Marketing

If you want to be your own boss and yet have money kiss your feet, then this is probably one of the best careers for you. Network marketing lets you sell you own products, services or concepts and make money while you are at it.

These are some of the most exciting and lucrative top marketing careers of 2010.

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