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Win the Battle Against Fleas With Frontline Flea Control

Flea control can be a challenging task because of the different places that need to be treated.
The visibility of fleas on your pet is a symptom of a larger problem and studies indicate that adult fleas account for only 5% of the total flea population.
While the eggs account for 50%, larvae account for about 35% and the remaining 10% are the pupa cocoons.
So for every single adult flea living on your pet there are 10 eggs, 7 larvae and 2 cocoons.
An effective flea control program should not only eliminate existing adult fleas on pets, but also work to eliminate eggs and larval fleas that develop off the animal.
Frontline Flea Control is an effective remedy that not only kills fleas and ticks but also prevents their infestation.
Need for Frontline Flea Control Fleas and ticks can be quite dangerous for yours pets and even harm them.
Not only this, once your pet has fleas, you will find them everywhere in your house - under your carpet, on bed sheets and cushions, under furniture and in nooks and crannies.
The saliva of these fleas contains harsh chemicals that allow them to bite into an animal's skin and feed on its blood.
So, if you wish to keep your pets healthy and in good spirits, opt for Frontline Flea Control.
This treatment comprises of Fipronil, a broad spectrum insecticide, and Methoprene.
While Fipronil disrupts the central nervous system of the fleas and ticks, Methoprene kills flea eggs and larvae, thus making this treatment more effective and popular.
Although several types of shampoos and powders are available in the market for controlling fleas, they need to be used frequently and do not yield as effective results as topical treatments.
Frontline Flea Control is said to kill 100% of all adult fleas within 18 hours of application and all flea eggs and larvae within 48 hours.
Also, this treatment is long lasting and is effective for a month after it is applied.
Frontline is waterproof and thus effective even when your cat or dog gets wet or has been bathed.
Frontline Flea Control: Precautions For best results, certain precautions need to be taken while using Frontline Flea Control, such as:
  • Store the medication in a cool and dry place
  • Store the product only in the original container
  • Do not refrigerate the medication
  • It should be used on kittens or puppies who are at least eight weeks old
  • The treatment should be used by snapping the application tip and than placing it between the shoulder blades of your cat or dog.
Although the treatment does not have any side effects, your pet may experience some temporary irritation after its application.
If this irritation persists or appears to worsen, consult your veterinarian.

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