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Do boas make good pets?

If you quite fancy being a pet owner, then you may have given some consideration as to adopting a boa constrictor as a pet. However, it is imperative that you come to appreciate that caring for a boa takes commitment and they require a considerable amount of time and patience devoted to them in order to them keep happy and safe. In particular, a prospective boa pet owner should consider the following two factors:

The size of a boa: The most commonly kept species of boa which is kept in domestic captivity is the boa constrictor imperator and will reach a grand length of around 7 - 8 feet, and if that was not scary enough, the red tailed boa can grow bigger than ten feet. Therefore, the prospective boa constrictor owner will need to ensure that they set aside a considerable amount of free space for their pet to move around in. Too many boa owners purchase a small cage which is perfectly fine for when the boa is young, but becomes totally cramped as the boa grows. The bigger they are, the more they eat and so an adult boa will require a regular diet of rats or rabbits.

The lifespan of a boa: If you are planning on purchasing a boa, then you need to be aware that you will need to be prepared for a long term commitment which can easily stretch as long as 30 years. You need to consider how you will accommodate your boa's needs during the course of any major changes in your personal circumstances, what if you are taken to hospital for an extended period of time? Do you know of anyone who would be prepared to clean and feed a 10 foot snake for you?

Now that we have raised and considered two areas of potential concern, let us now consider whether or not they are actually worth such an investment of time and energy. First and foremost, boas require a certain amount of work to keep them happy and safe, and so this deters a great number of potential owners.

Unfortunately, the only person who can ever successfully and accurately answer the question "do boas make good pets" is you. Only you will know whether or not you can spend the requisite amounts of time and patience caring for them.
One thing is for sure, a snake, irrespective of what type it happens to be, is an exotic and highly unique animal and which can bring an incalculable amount of happiness to the owner. I speak from personal experience, over the years I have had the pleasure and privilege of owning several snakes and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience each and every time. Of all those snakes, it has always boas which have given the most joy due to their natural beauty and elegance, but also due to their generally docile nature and tolderance to regular handling.

Whilst there can be no denying that snakes require a very precise regime of temperature, humidy and diet, they are actually very low maintenance. Cats and dogs maybe the more popular forms of pets but if truth be told, the reality of the matter is that they can be a major burden on their owner. This is because the owner has to contend with their constant demands for exercise, food, attention and the cat/dog will not stop whining until they get what they want. The snake on the other hand, will require only a few minutes each day and otherwise can be left alone.

Boa constrictors are gorgeous, docile and simply awesome pets which can bring a considerable amount of happiness to the right kind of person. You may find it of some practical use if you were to speak with fellow boa constrictor owners and get their opinion on the matter. Whilst they maybe a little biased in favour of owning a boa as a pet, they will be able to tell you what problems you may encounter. Do your research, read up on the subject, speak with other reptile keepers and make your decision carefully, but if you do choose to keep snakes I'm sure you won't regret the decision!

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