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How to Paint a Fence on a Wall

    • 1). Make a foam core template by taking a sheet of white foam core purchased at the craft store (30 inches x 20 inches), measure 4 1/2 inches on either end on the 20-inch side and mark with a pencil. Using a straight edge, cut the length off with a mat knife to have a template the size of a fence plank. Then mark one end to be cut into either a pointed or a rounded top---whichever is preferred. Cut off the excess with a mat knife. This is the pattern for a white picket fence to be painted on the wall. Put aside.

    • 2
      Enhanced white picket fence.

      With a measuring tape, mark along the bottom of the wall where the fence will be painted. Mark 4 1/2 inches for the fence plank, then 2 1/2 inches for the opening between the planks. Alternate the measurements between the fence plank and the opening from one end of the wall to the other.

    • 3). Place the template against the wall and align it with the bottom (or the top) of the baseboard, starting on the left side. With a pencil, draw the outline of the fence plank around three sides---bottom excluded. Move the template over to the next 4 1/2-inch mark, and draw the outline as before. Continue marking outlines until done.

    • 4). With a measuring tape held vertically against one side of a fence plank, from the bottom of the wall, make pencil marks at 4 inches, 8 inches, 20 inches and 24 inches. Do the same with the other side of the fence plank, and then do the same for each of the fence planks. These marks are where the horizontal planks will be painted (see the illustration in the introduction). Connect the marks, using a straight edge or ruler to help.

    • 5). Paint the fence using a foam brush and white paint, making sure to get both vertical and horizontal planks. The lines don't have to be perfectly straight---it will add a little interest to the fence. Two coats of paint may be needed, depending on the color of the wall. Let dry.

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