Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Help - Power Of Affirmations

My Favorite Anxiety Ending Affirmation: I am so happy and grateful now that I am living an anxiety and panic free life and am radiating with confidence! How to Use Power Affirmations Anxiety Help What is the most effective way to use Power Affirmations?Here are a few suggestions.
Pick one or two affirmations and begin using them immediately.
Do not wait until you create the perfect affirmations for your specific situation before you start using them.
The future is now.
Procrastination is the killer of success.
Immediate action creates momentum.
Repetition of positive thought sustains it.
Do not base your choice by whether or not you already believe the affirmation or if the belief seems possible to you at this time.
Repeating the power affirmations with emotional intensity and a feeling of certainty will eventually install the beliefs in your subconscious mind.
At the very least, pick a generic affirmation like Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
Then you can always choose or create other power affirmations later after you set specific goals.
Resolve right now to start using affirmations within the next 60 minutes.
Write the power affirmation at least 10-20 times per day.
For best results, write it down 10-20 times as soon as you arise and 10-20 times before you go to bed.
This allows you to set your direction before the day starts and plant the seed in your subconscious mind before you go to sleep.
If you do this consistently, you will naturally find this thought re-occurring in your mind several times per day.
You will begin to notice the power affirmations shaping your other thoughts through the course of the day.
As the power affirmations create more and more similar thoughts, you will create a direction and build momentum towards the desired results.
After you write the affirmation 10-20 times, repeat it aloud in front of a mirror 5-10 times.
Anxiety Help is a process so
repeating the affirmations aloud further installs the beliefs into your subconscious mind.
It is very important to repeatedly both write and audibly state your affirmations for maximum effectiveness.
As you write and audibly repeat them, feel the emotional power of the affirmations in your body.
Visualize yourself as having already created this result in your life.
Feel the way you would feel if you already had this result in your life.
Hear the things you will hear when this affirmation becomes an everyday reality.
Breathe the way you would breathe if this affirmation were already true.
Move your body as if this were already a conditioned belief.
Now let your positive thoughts of power and certainty guide your actions.
Live consciously.
Take complete control of your own mind rather than passively allowing the influences in the media control it for you.
Does this type of conditioning take time and effort?Absolute , on a daily basis.
There is no something for nothing.
This is where most people fail.
They do not follow through with these steps every day for a long period of time.
They get inspired for a few days after hearing a motivational speaker or after reading a book.
Then, after the motivational high wears off, they fall back into their old habits.
Or they get so busy that this is an easy item to ignore.
Event training through short seminars, is necessary and great.
But Process Training, training that guides your every day habits, is the real key to sustained results.
Process Training is achieved through sustained exposure to the learning material over a prolonged period of time.
And it requires constant review and correction until the skill is installed as a subconscious habit (like how you learn to drive a car).
Most people who think they can get all the information they need by attending a couple of seminars or listening to a best selling program one time will usually be disappointed.
The information just goes by too fast to allow it to really soak in.
Why do you think we see the same commercials over and over again?Or hear the same slogan?It is because that advertisers know if they can get our attention for 30 seconds (or less), to watch the same commercial multiple times over a period of days, weeks, months, years, they know they can sell us billions of dollars of merchandise.
Is it not time that you used the exact same technique to condition your mind on purpose?Take control of your mind and get anxiety help.
So, listening to motivational speakers on audio tape on a regular basis.
is one effective way to add process training to your life, however, many of the thoughts they communicate race by without having a chance to take root in either your conscious or subconscious mind.
And there is often a lot of fluff just to get to the main points that will really change your life.
It is much more difficult to take advantage of the power of repetition which is crucial to create long term results.
The Power of Power Affirmations
  1. My Power Affirmations work whether I believe in them or not.
  2. I create new Power Affirmations for myself everyday.
  3. I repeat my Power Affirmations everyday with emotional intensity, certainty, and faith.
  4. My Power Affirmations allow me to consistently tap into the unlimited power of my subconscious mind.
  5. My Power Affirmations are now creating thought habits that will to guide me to my desired objectives easily and effortlessly.
  6. The more I repeat my Power Affirmations with a feeling of certainty, the more accessible these power beliefs are to me when I need them.
  7. I know that the repetition of affirmations is the easiest and primary method of voluntarily creating the emotion of faith.
    So I feed my subconscious mind thoughts of faith by repeating my power affirmations every day with emotion and physical energy.
  8. My thoughts are creative.
    My Power Affirmations are now creating the reality I desire.
  9. My Power Affirmations positively influence my subconscious mind while I sleep.
  10. My imagination now creates whatever I believe and conceive.
  11. I now have all the resources I need to achieve my goals easily and effortlessly.
  12. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
  13. I set definite goals and create new Power Affirmations(TM) to achieve them quickly and easily.
  14. Today I am using 100 percent of my minds capacity.
  15. I now have easy access to the information in my subconscious.
  16. All subconscious information is being revealed to me now.
  17. What I imagine I can do I can do.
  18. I receive wisdom and knowledge from God every moment of my life.
  19. I am now making amazing progress towards all of my goals.
  20. My subconscious mind is now revealing everything I need to know to create and fulfill my mission and purpose in life.
  21. I am consciously aware of my beliefs.
    I only hold onto beliefs that support me.
  22. I now see and feel my goals as already accomplished.
  23. Using my Power Affirmations, I expand the powers of my subconscious mind everyday.
  24. Whatever I conceive and believe I can achieve.
  25. I create my own luck everyday.
  26. I achieve my goals with joy and laughter.
  27. I visualize what I want to be and act as if I am already what I visualize.
  28. Through consistently repeating my Power Affirmations, I can now create any reality that I desire and get anxiety help.
  29. My Power Affirmations are the expression of my beliefs and convictions.
    The stronger my convictions, the more powerful their effect on my subconscious mind to bring about the results I desire.
  30. My Power Affirmations are now creating habitual thought patterns of success, positive thinking, and positive living.
Comment on this blog to let me know how your affirmations produced anxiety help in your life.
These affirmations are the corner stone to many anxiety sufferers recovery.

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