Health & Medical Anxiety

Network Chiropractic Care For Anxiety

Anxiety is a disorder that can be extremely disruptive to an individual's quality of life and sense of self.
If you find that you are constantly on the edge of panic and anxiety attacks, or overwhelmed on a daily basis by fearful images and thoughts, it is a reasonable assumption that you would want to do something about it.
Network Chiropractic care for anxiety is a natural, effective, and gentle way of addressing the issue at hand, while giving you tools and strategies to reduce the occurrences of episodes.
Read on to learn more about anxiety, as well as where to find the best Network Chiropractic care in Fort Collins, Colorado.
What is Anxiety Exactly? All of us experience anxiety at certain points in our life.
It is a natural emotion that is experienced when we feel uncertain of our environment or are anticipating an unknown outcome.
Typically these moments are transitory and non-debilitating.
For those that suffer with anxiety disorders, however, it can be very paralyzing.
People who experience intense levels of anxiety can have a wide range of symptoms.
Physically they can experience increased heart rates, profuse sweating, tingling and/or electric jolts through the body, chest pain, dizziness, and nausea.
Emotionally anxiety can cause intense fear, loss of control, feelings of going crazy, deep loss and sadness.
The emotions are overwhelming and cannot be pinpointed to an apparent reason, coming out of the blue at any point in time.
What Causes Anxiety? Numerous things can cause anxiety, but when it comes to an anxiety disorder, there is not a definitive answer.
What studies have shown so far is that in some people it is caused by an imbalance in the brain's biochemistry, while in others it is due to a genetic predisposition or is a learned behavior from watching family members with anxiety disorders.
In some cases, anxiety can be caused by the part of our brain that is responsible for the flight or fight reaction, which ultimately is suppose to keep us from danger.
Sometimes this part of the brain recognizes a harmless situation as one that is dangerous and reacts accordingly.
While the brain is simply trying to keep us safe, it is actually creating stress and harm to our bodies and mind.
What Treatments are Available for Anxiety? There is a wide variety of treatment options available for anxiety, from western medical approaches to alternative holistic methods.
Prescription drugs, exercise, cognitive therapy, biofeedback and hypnosis are all possible modalities that can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety disorders.
My personal recommendation, however, is Network Chiropractic care.
Largely in part because of how it affects the brain.
As we know, the brain regulates the body through the spinal cord and its delicate nerves that run off of it.
These nerves pass through the spaces between the vertebrae in the spine, traveling to every aspect of the body.
When any degree of stress is experienced, be it mental, emotional or physical, distortion is created within the spinal cord itself.
This causes interference between the nervous system and the brain, creating a ripple effect of ill-health through the entire system.
Network Chiropractic care focuses on releasing the distortion within the spinal cord by gently applying pressure to the points where the spinal cord and vertebrae connect.
Rather than focusing on adjusting the vertebrae themselves, as in traditional chiropractic, Network Chiropractic focuses on specific contact points, called spinal gateways, which alters the state or tone of the spinal cord, allowing the vertebrae to self correct and the neurology to release tension held in the system.
The effect is a feeling of calm and peace.
While receiving Network care, people are strongly encouraged to be conscious participants with all aspects of their healthcare, including nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management, which are all important factors when looking to eliminate anxiety disorders.

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