Home & Garden Gardening

Indoor Gardening Foods


    • Parsley, chives and mint are easily grown within the home. They can all be grown in pots on a windowsill or a table in a sunny area. These herbs are all easy for the beginner gardener to start and care for.


    • You can grow berries indoor as well. Strawberries work particularly well, but may be smaller than what you are used to. Consider planting these in a planter hanging above the herbs, and plant a blueberry bush in a planter. This will allow you to make fresh blueberry muffins during the winter. Use a medium-size planter for your berries.


    • Most vegetables can be grown within the home, including root vegetables. These include carrots and radishes. Tomatoes are another great choice for indoor gardening, as are peppers. Planting leafy greens in pots and placing them on a windowsill will allow you to prepare fresh salads during the winter months. Try loose-leaf lettuces. Arugula is another choice.

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