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RC Gas Car

Building and running an RC gas car can be a very satisfying hobby in deed.
Though it is true you can buy an out of the box solution and be running your car within an hour, in my opinion, it is far less satisfying than building your own RC gas car, learning about the systems that go into it and how to make adjustments to improve the performance of your driving tool as you participate in competitions.
This knowledge also allows you to quickly assess any damage that is sustained whilst in operation.
Servicing and repair are also aided by the knowledge gained by you having built the RC gas car in the first place.
So you have built your beast painted the body and tested the radio transmitter and receiver and your ready to race.
 Well not just yet there are one or two little extra things that you can do to make you experience a little less frustrating.
Often when you get your kit the plastic tube used to elevate the antenna is quite brittle and may break when you role it.
So what you can do to soften it is to heat it in boiling water for just a few minuets before installation.
Using a dab of glue on the base of the tube will also help prevent it from detaching it self when driving over enthusiastically.
 You may find that your RC gas car roles when you really attack corners, if this is the case it might be that the outside tread on the tyres is biting too hard and causing the incident.
If you don't want to soften the suspension to-much you can remove or taper the tread on the outside of your tyres, you will be encouraging a slide and so keeping your beast on 4 wheels instead of running over to right the machine.
Another quick tip is for the correction of flight or movement through the air so you can land your RC gas car ready to accelerate away.
 If the thing looks like it is going to nosedive dab the accelerator and the nose will come up and break (stop the wheels from spinning in mid air) to bring the nose down.
This skill will become easier as you use your RC gas car more and more.

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