Home & Garden Architecture

Tools to Cut Granite Tiles

    • Cut granite tiles to beautify your home.granite image by Andrzej Solnica from Fotolia.com

      Granite is a hard, plutonic rock found throughout the U.S., though mainly in mountainous regions. The rock consists of a mixture of sodium feldspar, potassium feldspar as well as quartz. It also contains silica, soda, lime, alumina, iron, titania and potassium oxide. Granite is so hard, it is used in the construction of buildings, curbing, stairs and retaining walls. When cut into tiles, granite creates gorgeous counters and floors that can withstand the slings and arrows of everyday life; however, because granite tiles are so hard, you'll need a few tools to cut them.

    Pencil and Yard Stick

    • These two tools go together as both are required for the first step of cutting granite tiles. Because granite tiles are both hard and expensive, cut each piece as accurately as possible so you don't waste any of the tiles. Measure more than once, and make clear cut marks that you can see easily when cutting.

    Wet Saw

    • A wet saw is a necessity for cutting granite tiles. This saw is designed to cut hard materials, such as ceramic and granite tiles, because it not only has the power, but also is designed to have a constant flow of water directed at the blade to keep it cool. This tool is expensive, so unless you intend to cut a large number of tiles for more than one project, rent one.

    Diamond-tipped Blade

    • The diamond-tipped blade is a must because, thanks to the hardness of granite, no other material cuts it as efficiently. While granite is hard, diamond is even harder. These blades are also available for rent or for sale.


    • Snippers are handy tools for cutting granite tiles because you can use them to make smaller cuts, for example, cutting around faucets or pipes.


    • Sandpaper of various degrees of coarseness is necessary when you are cutting tile. While the sandpaper does not actually cut the tile, it is necessary to smooth the edges of the granite after the tile has been cut. Just as with wood, start with the coarser grades of sandpaper, and work your way to the finer grade until the granite is polished and smooth.

    Scoring Tool

    • Use a scoring tool to cut around toilets and sinks or to make other larger, non-straight types of cuts. Several types of scoring tools are available to cut different materials; make sure to purchase the one specifically for cutting granite.

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