Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Why Wait For the Right Person?

I had a great privilege in talking to Debra.
Quite a lady.
Authentic and genuine, a woman walking her talk.
We women in general love to be in love, enjoy falling in love and learn throughout our journey that we practice this game of love with tremendous desire.
The question is; how do we know it's true love? and why so often we don't attract the love we imagine or the right man so to speak to share our lives with.
The dating game becomes stressful and too demanding and we can hear ourselves say " I am done with this" I just want to have a good time and perhaps the right man will never come" Dating is not easy and dating does take tremendous energy, time and some money too but more so we can become terribly discouraged when we try over and over again and.
Too many games and too many men try to understand where we are coming from and yet they don't.
So ultimately many of us will settle for a short fling, a one night stand or a few more or simply give up and let time take its course..
Indeed as Debra stated "we have to be in the right place within ourselves before we attract the man for the rest of our lives" The man we are willing to make changes and even relocate or give up the life we once felt so comfortable with.
Debra found that true love and she is helping thousands of women around the world get to that path and reach the destination.
We women can achieve total love, passion, connection and an amazing relationship.
Pick into LET LOVE IN and it's guaranteed to open doors for your love to enter your life.

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