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How to Hand-Wash Delicate Clothing

    • 1). Read Directions - Always read the precautions and laundering directions on your clothing lables. Pretreat any stains and spots (please see warning). Using hot water will set-in most stains, so avoid hot water when hand-washing.

    • 2). Using a bucket - There are detergents especially formulated for delicate clothing. Dissolve the detergent in the water before adding your laundry. Let the detergent have about 15 minutes to completely dissolve in the water. Swish your laundry around in the solution (detergent and water) until we feel that the clothing has had ample time to come clean. Do not wring or twist the laundry. Rinse the detergent from the clothing using cold water - at least two rinses is necessary to remove all of the detergent residue. You may determine that you need to rinse more.

    • 3). Using a Jar - Another simple method to wash delicate items that are small is to place the detergent water solution in a sealable jar and add the item. Close the lid and shake the jar. Again be sure to use the correct water temperature according to the garment directions.

    • 4). Pre-Soak - Some items may need to pre-soak. If so have a small bucket that is easily moved to soak your laundry.

    • 5). Brightening - If you have white items that have become gray and dingy - try soaking them in a solution of 1 teaspoon cream of tartar and cold water.

    • 6). Drying - Many stores sell special frames used to lay hand-washed clothing on to dry. They are usually made of a pvc-like frame with a mesh cloth stretched across. Be sure to lay your clothes out and straighten so that it drys with as few wrinkles as possible.

      If you do not have the special frame you can lay flat a towel and arrange your wet laundry neatly across the towel to air dry.

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