Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Electronic Cigarettes-harm And Smoke Free

Electronic Cigarettes or E Cigarettes are the newest product in the market that has attracted millions of smokers around the world due to their several benefits. They are designed to look and feel like the traditional tobacco cigarettes even down to emitting artificial smoke; however, they do not contain any tobacco and thousands of harmful materials.

An E Cigarette constitutes a battery, a refillable cartridge and an atomizer that consists of a solution of low amount of nicotine with some flavoring. When a user inhales the battery powered atomizer and turns a small amount of liquid nicotine into vapor and gives the user nicotine hit in seconds instead of minutes with patches or gum. While inhaling an electronic cigarette, a small LED light glows in orange color at the tip and feels like a real cigarette.

While smoking with electronic cigarette user inhale nicotine vapor which looks like realistic smoke without any of the carcinogens and harmful materials found in normal tobacco cigarettes which are harmful to the smoker and non smokers around him. The vapor produced by inhaling nicotine smells nice and disappears quickly in the air without bothering other people.

The main advantage of using electronic cigarette is that they pose fewer health risks as compared to normal cigarettes because they are free from tar, glue, hydrocarbons and more than 4000 of dangerous chemicals that cause adverse effects on our body. That's why smoking with them is safe and harm free.

Electronic cigarette can also be used as cessation device because the strength of nicotine can be controlled by the user gradually and reduces the habit of inhaling high nicotine doses. One more benefit in smoking with electronic cigarette is from the financial point of view as they provide huge saving because they cost very low as compared to normal cigarettes.

Smoking with Electronic Cigarettes is cheaper and healthier. So they are proving to be an alternate to smoke tobacco cigarettes.

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